I need someone to identify this circuit board component.
I'm repairing a Behringer U-Phoria UMC404HD. There was a tiny component that received both the signals of USB data(+) and data(-), before allowing both to proceed towards the XMOS chip. Please take a look at the image above to check out how the component (with arrows pointing at it) and the surrounding area looks in an undamaged UMC404HD.
There has been an attempt, by the former owner, to repair the USB connections, which left this particular component destroyed.
Could someone tell me what is this component and, if possible, the specs it might have, so I can order a suitable replacement?
I don't have much knowledge in parts names and uses, but I can do a good job, when it comes to repairing circuit boards.
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If you add pictures of the one you actually work on we can give better help based on the actual condition. This guide will help with that if you are unsure about how to add images now that the question already exist.
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por Markus Norstrøm