DC/DC replacement switching power supply
Is there a pinout available for the internal power supply? or does a DC/DC version of the internal Apple TV 2 power supply exist?
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Is there a pinout available for the internal power supply? or does a DC/DC version of the internal Apple TV 2 power supply exist?
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This Teardown has some info on the PSU - refer step 13 The sticker on the power supply has this rating: 3.4V @ 1.75A.
I see in the photo there are 8 pins on the PSU socket. Probably 2 sets of 4 pins all joined together for increased current capacity.
Also look at THIS post about replacing the PSU on the earlier version - you may be able to do something similar.
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If you want to convert Apple TV 3 from AC to DC...
There are a total of 8 pins on the connector from the power supply. 3 are positive, 3 negative and two leave not connected. I think the unused (at least one) pin is some kind of a temperature sensor - found that out by trial and error, if you ground that pin, Apple TV shows a message about temperature being too high and turns off.
So if you are looking from the top and the HDMI connector is towards you and power supply on the right then from left to right
Pins 1,2 - unused / don't connect
Pins 3,4,5 - ground / negative (connect together)
Pins 6,7,8 - positive (connect together)
I haven't used the ATV for too long of a time on DC yet, just tried it out seems to work fine. Used a "DC/DC Converter Regulator 12V Step DOWN to 3.3V 10W 3A" converter purchased from eBay. So now Apple TV 3 working from 12V DC
Now to get this into the car.
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I did exactly as you described, every thing work perfect
my problem was that my power supply was dead and my apple TV was in the drawer for almost 6 months dead but now my apple TV is up and running
I used tablet adapter 5v 2amp and 10 watt , I connected as you said and now it is up and running.
thank you so much great job
Awesome cant wait to hack mine up and make it USB powered!!! Great for at home and in the Suburban!!~ JasonfromMinnesota
My power supply and the replacement one I bought generate the 3.4 volts or whatever just fine but when I connect it to the logic board, I can't get a volt reading out of the exposed contacts.
Fried logic board? Or bad connectors? Not sure what's going on.
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Do have the step by step guide on this?? Thanks..
Thank you worked great!!
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I understand the pin out process from above...what hardware did you use to power it to a usb out like you did...it would be great if you could write a little tutorial
Just an FYI for those interested. There is no reason to connect to pin 876 for ground and pin 345 for positive. They are common. meaning they are connected on the board. if you run a continuity check You will see they are internally connected already. What that means is you can simple connect to one of those pins and the same result is achieved. IF you know how to solder and your power supply is not dead You can solder a USB cable to the board and now it is both 5vdc as well as will still work in your house plugging it in a wall. However to use in your house Make sure you get a USB cap. just in case! You don't want to ground out the USB end when not in use.
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Thanks heaps for the instructions guys. Yes it will work fine with any low powered USB cable and charger. Just cut the device charging end to expose the Red (+5V) and Black (GND) strands. You can cut away the data strands (Green and White) as they will not be used. The other end of the USB cable is of course connected to the USB charger so do not cut it.
The Red and Black strand can be soldered to pin 8 and Black to pin 4 directly but I recycled the pin connector of the faulty power supply unit and cut the wires from it and soldered directly to the USB cable's Red and Black strands to the connector's pin 8 and 4 respectively. Then tape up the two cables separately so that they do not short each other. The rest of the cables from the connector can be cut away so that they do not get in the way. After that just connect it as how the power supply unit is connected to the board. The power supply unit can be removed and allow the USB cable to be inserted from the power socket outlet. I have also taped the inserted USB cable securely to the unit.
Power up and enjoy! :)
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I have with a power supply broken, so, I followed the instruction connecting the red strand to pin 4 and the black strand to pin 8. I plug the USB cable in a charger of the iPhone 6 but there was no signal. Did i do something wrong? Any tip about this issue?
hi there this will work even if the powersupply of the apple tv is dead??
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If the unit is good yes. As apparently the power supply is what goes.
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Using my method will allow you to use an iPod or iPhone charger cube to power your Apple TV now in a home.
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As above to a degree, i used a female to male usb cable, cut the cable to leave the female on, connected red to 8, black to 5, taped all up, filed a small amount from the rear trim to allow usb male access, small amount of glue and replaced one screw to force usb female tight to mother board, running spot on off a htc phone plug https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/h...https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/h...
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ok good................................................
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does it runs directly with 5V? the original power supply is 3.4 V
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Yes it works fine, I've successfully repaired loads of these using the method I posted above had no issues at all to date
How abt if i want to put this in a car. Could i wire like you said to red 8 and black 5. And plug thos directly into a car usb adapter?
I would say that will work perfectly
If you are going to use 5VDC power supply (either USB or an adapter) I'd recommend to install 3 Schottky Diodes SR540 in series to the positive cable (forward voltage ~ 0.55-0.6 V)
+ o—————>|—>|—>|———————o +
5VDC…………………………………………~ 3.3VDC
- o—————————————————o -
Thanks you all very much! My ATV has been worked fine now.
I power it by 5v USB adapter as the guidance.
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Just buy one. Two screws, no soldering. Easy.
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