Looking for QN65Q60RAFXZA parts
I'm getting pink verticle lines on the screen. I've done all of the usual steps to troubleshoot, and feel it's something in the board(s) inside, but I can't find parts for any Samsung TV, let alone the one I have.
Are parts available somewhere that I can't find? It's been a great TV, and I'd hate to have to toss it. Thanks...
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3 comentários
Can you take a picture of the problem and upload it here? Also, if it isn't too much trouble, please take a picture of the main board and T-Con board inside your TV and upload those as well.
por Andrew S
On a straight blue screen, it has numerous pink lines going top to bottom, however they aren't consistent. There is an area of no lines about a third of hte way across the screen, and an area were the lines appear to be broken as if it's trying to ghost a box in the upper left of the screen. It doesn't look anything similar to any screen on the tv itself, so no clue why it's so funky. When the lines aren't visible, they still cause their presence to blur out the image coming to the screen. It's like maybe there is a memory failure, but it's not consistent. It stands out on regular tv input on HDMI2, not on my Apple TV on HDMI3. I've replaced the cables, no help...
por RobCow
Well, it's not likely the TV. I thought I had tried everything to troubleshoot this issue, but I realized I forgot to swap the inputs to the TV!
I swapped the outputs of the ATV and ATT U-Verse box, and the issue stayed with the later output. The problem now shifts to the hdmi pass thru on the receiver, or more likely the ATT DVR box. I hear ATT wants to kill U-Verse, so this could be interesting.
But thanks for the comments, and the link. I may need that in the future.
por RobCow