Get diffenet error codes with different hdds and stuck disk update

Hello. I have xbox one fat 1540.

This console have dead internal hdd, so i try to replace it. First i try to install 500gb hard drive (seagate laptop thin, western digital black and blue, hdst) and i always get error at 74% update, error code e105 and e106 sometimes

Day before i find 1tb Toshiba hard drive, and now i get always e100 error, that always come after verifying update(60%) after restart.

It seems that blueray drive works, because when i use 500gb in folder ODDFW i get ODDFW update finished, hr = 00000000

and when i use 1tb drive i get FAILED to find ODD physical device, status = 0xC000000E.

GetOddPhysicalDevice failed

Any ideas?

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4 comentários:

@commonman55 "Your Xbox One console is not capable of formatting a replacement hard drive for use as the main drive.

Before you install your replacement drive, you will need to reformat the drive in a computer and install the necessary software, " you prepared your HDD as shown on here Xbox One Hard Drive Replacement ?


i already try to format drive via script, and using j-runner. result always the same


E100 and E105 appear to be related to the system files on the HDD. Sounds to me like an issue with the formatting and installation of the system files.


Interesting thing that 1tb toshiba always get e100 code.

and 500gb (any of metioned) always get e105 and e106, and never e100


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