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Repair guides and support for coffee makers by Keurig including the K-Cup systems.

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What does water under pressure message mean?

Warning says "water under pressure" perform needle maintenance. We took it apart as the book directed and rinsed out. Warning still comes up.

Please help. Machine is less than 1 month old. Purchased at Walmart in [location removed]

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Pontuação 46
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This is unbelievable I am having the exact same problem! I gave up my Bunn coffee pot that I have had for many many years because that is all I will buy for this Keurig! like everyone else I have had it for 1 month! I appreciate the directions how to fix this problem but again it is one month old! Not too sure if I'm going to keep it or return it. I will probably end up going back to my Bunn coffee pot. Because no matter what you think I will have to deal with this problem again in about four weeks and it's not a pretty sight first thing in the morning


Same problem, followed the directions, called support, they are sending a new system, hopefully I get it within the next 3 days as promised.


This is now my second one and same issue! They resent me a new one because of the warranty and I had the same issue. I bought a cheap one two year ago at big lots and it lasted two years, both of these have not lasted more then two weeks! I've bought only keurig approved kcups!


All you have to do is use the needle cleaning pod to release the pressure in the needle. Grounds get stuck in there and it pulls them out. 1 minute fix.


I just had this happen, tried the needle cleaning maintenance like 10 times, but it didn't work. They are sending a replacement.


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I have had my Keurig 2.0 for a couple months..this morning (1/30/16) I received the same error message (water line under pressure...)..I Googled the issue and came across this page which obviously shows people have had the same issue but no resolution. I contacted Keurig and the most helpful person walked me through the process...there is an orange maintanance cup (has an open clear bubble in the center)...fill the bubble with water and into your Keurig like a k-cup, turn the power of and open and close 5 times...after the 5th time, open and remove maintenance should (I did) find coffee grinds in the bubble...this cleans the needed which removed the pressure...turn back in and run a water only process a couple of times and you should be good to go. Was lucky I held on to that maintenance insert...I normally throw things like that away. Hope this helps!!

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This is the answer. Worked perfectly.


Thank you for your comments. I found them to be very helpful. I had to repeat before I successful. I have had my K250 for a couple of months.


One month old ( Christmas 2015 but not used until return home on January 5) Keurig gives "water under pressure" message. Grrrrrrrr Keurig should never act up before the morning coffee. Tried a dozen "solutions" none of which worked. Solution was the maintenance cup as above. 50 cm of snow and no morning coffee. Gotta do better Keurig. Not a happy camper!


THANK YOU!!!!!! I needed my caffeine and was so mad!!!


I have done this and it works for one or maybe two cups of coffee and this same message. Not a good thing to happen at 5:30 in the morning. I'm ready to throw it away - have only have it 2 months. Been this way from the beginning.


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threw away my orange container, had great results using a paper clip,

open clip to look straight , insert the tip into the needle thats in the middle, its the second metallic protusion closer to the back.

push in and out several times , then just do hot water dispensing you will see lots of grinds in the water. this cleared mine at 5.30 in the morning, hope it helps.

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Pontuação 20

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This worked for me!


YESSSS! thank you, this worked perfectly. No coffee grinds came out for me, but it still worked oddly enough. Brilliant.


Thank you sooo much...I was going through withdrawal!! Worked brillantly...Thank you..Thank you!@


it worked , thanks. Think I can just use this method instead of ordering a needle cleaner and then run vinegar watrer through it to descale.


Didn't have a paper clip, but a pin worked just as well. Flushed the coffee grinds and now working perfectly. Thanks for the info, Ravi.


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Becky, this could be a clogged needle as well as check valve issue. Since your machine is less than 1 month old, return it. If it already gives you trouble, it will not get better in the future.

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Pontuação 5

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I continued to have issues and the same error appearing with every use. Contacted Keurig to get a new one.


I've had my Keurig for 2 months now and the same message showed 2 weeks in. I called and was given the same guidance for needle maintenance. It worked but the problem persists almost daily. It's very frustrating when you look forward to your first cup of coffee. This appears to be a common problem and Keurig needs to address this ASAP. Not good!


Ravi is right! Thank you! I just solved the problem using a large sewing needle since I couldn't find a paper clip. You unplug the machine and open it like you're putting in a pod. There are two pieces of sharp metal at the top. Insert the paper clip or large sewing needle behind the second piece of sharp metal (I didn't even see the hole but found it). Move the paper clip in and out and around in a circle. Then plug the machine back in and make hot water. You'll see coffee grinds in the water. It should fine after that.


I had did this lot of times and it still says water under pressure. Now what do I do. I even used the orange thing too. HELp PLEASE!!


@rebecca1968 what model Keurig is this and did you clean all needle valves?


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Just noticed this string and want to save people from going through what I went through the past 6 months. DO NOT USE SOFTENED WATER IN THE KEURIG 2.0 SYSTEM! I had months of incomplete cups and grounds in my cup – Keurig replaced my machine and I had the same issues with the new machine. I reached out to Keurig one last time and was finally told that the sodium in softened water has a negative affect on the pumping system in the 2.0 brewing machines. They recommended I switch to spring water – first running spring water through the system a few times before trying to brew a cup of coffee. I have done this for a week now and have not had one issue! It appears that this issue was just recently discovered and they are now educated to give this advice at their customer support centers. FYI – most water filters do not remove sodium from softened water.

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All I use is spring water and I get this problem every day a few times a day. Taking it back and going back away from k-cups back to drip maker.


My daughter has city water. It does the same thing with city water and bottled water.


You're correct. Called Keurig after getting the "pressure message" on the original 2.0 and a replacement maker a week later. The needle cleaning procedure worked once then back to the same error message. By the way, all the grounds in my cup were awful. Turn outs, according to the rep at Keurig, that the sensors in the 2.0 detect the negative effect of softened water resulting in grounds in the cup and the warning message. Turns out the "Classic" does not have the new sensor technology. Went out and bought a "Classic"55, and since we live in the country, we have a laundry faucet that bypasses the water conditioner, which we need for hard water. I think we could go back to softened water based on what I was told. An inline water filter on the frig will not solve the softened water problem with the 2.0

I could care less about a travel mug or carafe so the Classic works just fine and it's quiet! Wish the sales people at the retail stores were more knowledgeable.


I am a chemist. Softened water has nothing to do with this issue. Tear off the top of a k cup and look at the internal design. There is a paper filter built in the cup holding the coffee. There is space below filter. The lower needle should never see coffee grounds. If it does it is because the filter broke. One of the causes of the filter failing is the water pump is discharging at too high pressure. This either gives you the high pressure notice or ruptures the paper which gives you grounds and may plug the lower needle. Design issue 100%.


I have used spring water since day one and I am having the same issue!! Very disappointed with the 2.0, thinking about going back to a regular coffee maker or a different brand.


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I couldn't find my "maintenance cup," however, I took the coffee assembly apart, cleaned everything, and the message showed up again. So I removed the K cup and chose to dispense hot water--I did this a couple times, with a lot of coffee grounds showing, poured out the water, and then put the K cup back in. It worked great.

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I found I wasn't pushing the cup down far enough to punch a hole in the bottom, works great now.

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You don’t have to push the k cup down. It should puncture when you close down the lid. If it does not, then something else is not working.


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Ok I had this problem. Found out it's too much pressure being built in the k cup. If you put it on strong. The water comes out slower so less pressure meaning no clog. Hope this works.

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What does "if you put it on strong" mean? I have this happen, but I know of no way to change how fast the water comes out of the Keurig and into the K-Cup. I'd like to try this but need to know what you mean.


I had the same problem but I punched a small hole in the bottom of the K-Cup and it runs fine now.


This is the ONLY suggestion that has helped me. For the past two months, I have talked to Keurig Customer Service. Have tried all their suggestions (except for using bottled water...too expensive). Customer Service has been very helpful, but nothing has stopped the issue. They sent a new machine and same problem occurred within the first 24 hours of using it. We have 3 coffee drinkers in our house. When I read this post, I changed the setting from ‘strong’ to ‘Cocoa/other’. We are now on Day 2 and have not had the problem occur. In addition, we do push the k-cup down before closing the top (per Customer Service). We also push the top of the k-cup down so ‘dome’ of cup is flat...started doing this thinking it pushes any remaining air out of the k-cup. These two steps plus the setting change seem to be working so far!


After hours of cleaning every single thing we could think of and running descale through it - THIS WORKED!


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Luckily I kept the K-Cup cleaner which was recommended here to be used to clean the needle. I have only used bottled water in this machine and have had it less than 3 weeks when this message showed up for the first time. Well, I thought today was the first time, but the husband told me it happened to him once before. I went to the Keurig web site first and there's NO mention of this problem. Googled it & thankfully it brought me here. I used the orange K-Cup needle cleaner thingy which I saved and thankfully knew right where I put it. It says to turn off the machine first. Fill the needle cleaner device (the clear part of the orange thingy) with water. Then put in the orange needle cleaner with the arrows pointing down and close the lid as you would when loading a K-Cup. Again, machine is OFF at this point. Directions said open and shut the lid 5 times. Then remove the orange K-Cup needle cleaning device and plug your machine power back in. After allowing the device to reheat, raise and lower the K-Cup handle again but WITHOUT any K-Cup like you would if you were just wanting hot water. Run 12 oz of hot water into a mug and you should see lots of grinds and dirt come through into your cup. After I did all this, the Keurig brewed just fine. I'm hopeful we don't ever get to the point where the brewer just decides to not work again as this does seem like a terrible design flaw. I had a Rivo from Keurig and only purchased this K-Cup brewer because the Rivo pods are being phased out along with their Rivo brewer. In fact, there were a few weeks where I couldn't even get ANY Rivo pods from Keurig at all. I don't know what the deal is with this company....but it seems like they should at least let people know up front of the maintenance requirements. Being completely transparent would be better than making people figure it out on their own or after being very frustrated when you suddenly can't get any coffee.

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Pontuação 2

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Did all of it many times. Still won't work


Our new Keurig is getting this message, but it only happens to us when we use

the Mc Cafe coffee K Cups. Pushing the cup down to make a hole before lowering the handle did not correct the problem as I thought it might.


I am a chemist. Softened water has nothing to do with this issue. Tear off the top of a k cup and look at the internal design. There is a paper filter built in the cup holding the coffee. There is space below filter. The lower needle should never see coffee grounds. If it does it is because the filter broke. One of the causes of the filter failing is the water pump is discharging at too high pressure. This either gives you the high pressure notice or ruptures the paper which gives you grounds and may plug the lower needle. Design issue 100%.


Kevin - Your explanation is very concise and absolutely correct. Have seen posts (even a YouTube video) pointing to a pressure sensor failure as being the culprit. When the sensor fails it indicates low pressure causing the pump pressure to increase until it bursts the paper filter of the K-cup.



I agree with Kevin! The bottom needle is puncturing the filter inside my kcup, thus clogging the needle! How do I fix it?

Almost like it's not lining up right below, or the water is filling too fast and hitting the bottom needle when the filter expands.


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I had the older top of the line Keurig for 5 years. It worked great and we really loved it. The pump finally died and we were forced to buy a new one. I was hesitant to buy the 2.0 after reading so many bad reviews but the only one I really liked, as far as looks and quality, was the 2.0. I will say this, after having it for two months, when it works right, it is great; however, when it doesn't work right, it is a big mess!! When you put in a cup and it starts brewing but then you end up with a pressure error, it is not only a waste of a k-cup (which are not cheap) but it is a big mess to clean up as well...which you must do or your future cups will have grounds in as well. This can be very frustrating in the morning when time is at a premium. We can't really figure out how or why it does this but it seems like certain cups do it more than others ... so we stop buying the cups that seem to error more but to be honest I have had cups that consistently work great suddenly error as well. I feel like they tried to make their machine better (and better for their bottom line) but it ended up being an epic fail. Why fix something that wasn't broken? My husband is ready to return it as the problem seems to happen to him more than me. Disappointed!

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Pontuação 2

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I bought a new 2.0 a Christmas to replace a 2 years old one that was having a once in a while problem that I needed to add water. Problems started right away with the pressure. Called, did everything, they sent me a new machine. Second cup, new machine, called and they sent me another new machine that was the " new and improved K575 machine that should solve my problem"! 3 new units in 1 month! This one did make it past the second cup so they were correct, it was a improvement! Bought spring water, and did everything I could think of for the past 6 weeks and today I found the solution! .................. It looks very nice in the dumpster. I AM DONE with Keurig. NO MORE. Never will I let them screw me any more. Just made a cup in a Bella that was $39, used a k-cup, and no problems.

Watching TV looking for which Lawyer owned one and is starting a class action suit. Never though they were right doing those but with the cooperation and bull from Keurig, I would join!


After my 3rd one....I'm gonna demand a reimbursement!! I will try your Bella model. Thanks!!


Good luck with that Renee.


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It worked when 1) I drilled a hole in the bottom of a pod and 2) brewed with a reusable pod. But the main solution is not to insert the pod too deep and just to press it down with a lid. I assume that in this case you make a larger hole and hence a lower inner pressure

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I like my own coffee mixtures so I bought a red colored reusable filter at Safeway & it wasn't till I got 20 miles home that I saw the micro-print back of cardboard, bottom R. corner that said, "This device will not work with Keurig 2.0 machines" I did get a purple colored one with a whole different lid than the red one that had my Keurig fooled, for 3 months straight. Now it won't work at all. I loosely packed my grounds in it so I'm not convinced about pod settling & the pressure msg, , I do shake my clothes loosely as I'm putting them in the dryer though. Keurig said they are sending me free the orange clean out tool I read of. Hope it helps! My machine was given to me bare bones by someone moving 2 months ago & I've tried all kinds of clean outs but still get THE SPOOKY MSG !!


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Ok, since the new one started with the pressure problem I had to do some research. 1st off cleaning the needle is not the cure it's the clean up of the problem. The water backs up and pressure forces grounds back up the supply needle. Yes, you fave to clean it out so the next cup doesn't get the grounds, but not the cure. The issue has to be with the kcups them selves. Wife had good cup I had the bad one. Looking at them the bad one was bulged and when I opened it up all the grounds were pushed to one side and the filter mesh inside was ripped. The good pod, when opened for comparison, showed the grounds evenly distributed with a concave in the middle where water was pushed down and filtered evenly. So this tells me it is probably the cups them selves. A comment above mentioned that he taps them to break up the grounds before brewing. This sounds to be the best plausible cure which I will try. Think, how long do these things sit around be fore bought and used? I have cleaned this unit many times and both needles. Go through the box and shake them to see if there clumps.

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I think you are right, I have found that the problem follows the cups. I can have several great cups from one box, but it will clog every time from another box. During my little DOE, I could turn this problem on and off, which confirms the problem is in the cup not the machine.


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Keurig needs to fix this issue....I have 3 and every one of them do this

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Kevin the chemist is 100 percent correct. Unfortunately, Keurig is not going to admit that it is their problem, I have tried every suggestion, and “solution” that has been suggested. The only thing that works 100 percent is my drip coffee maker. Nesspresso here I come.

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Pontuação 2

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I agree 100%. I can reuse older k-cups I have cleaned without having any problem. The newer k-cups build up pressure that distorts the plastic and rips the filter. They are obviously inferior cups. This is ridiculous.


I tried paper clip and orange insert to clean needles and still get the pressure message


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I believe the coffee grounds can become hardened inside the K-cups, and that might be what causes the high water pressure. I have been tapping the K-cups several times to loosen the grounds before inserting them and the problem seems to have gone away.

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I used my K200 exactly 2 times before having this problem. I used the cleaning tool and it worked. But if I have to do this every other time I make coffee I'm returning it.

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I have done the needle maintenance many times in the past and it has always worked (a bit inconvenient, but it clears the problem) but this morning it just wouldn't work. After reading all the comments here I remembered that I had an orange bulb thing - Brewer Maintenance Accessory! I followed the instructions included in the package and voila, it worked!!

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This orange bulb you speak of, did it come WITH the Keurig?


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Every time this occurs, if I unplug the unit, plug it back in and treat it like a new cup, it works every time. Annoying but it works. Of course I have to reset the clock, but oh well...

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My only answer to this is to power the unit down, power it back up, and repeat steps to make the brew. It has worked every time for me. I have also found that selecting the setting for Cocoa works too. Every time I want to brew a cup of off-brand cappuccino, it usually does the "high pressure whatever nonsense" so I tried clicking on the Cocoa setting and it has worked every time. I honestly think that Keurig doesn't care about this and will always give you the canned runaround answer, but if you like the unit otherwise, my fixes actually work. NOW if I could find a hack that would give me full menu selections on my K475 I would be delighted. All of the hacks that I have tried do not work.


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Used toothpick method to clean out grounds that were stuck in upper nozzle as descale and bulb accessory maintenance did not work. Have since been running hot water only through the system every 3 cups or so which has resolved the problem.

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The K-Cup cleaner worked perfectly. I didn't know what it was when I first got my coffee maker; but, I saved it. So glad I was able to look up the problem on line and find the answer; it sure did save a lot of aggravation.

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The paper clip worked magically!!! Thanks to everyone who posted.

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Use a paper clip through the bottom needle also, run a few hot water cycles or even better, descale with vinegar, works great.

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i have this problem, brand new keurig. i think the problem is with the actual k-cups. when i use the regular store-bought ones, it's fine. when i use reusable k-cups i bought off of amazon, i get that error message.... has anyone had success with reusable k-cups??

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Actually, I discovered something. This started happening to me literally like 2 days after getting this thing brand new. I don’t think it’s a buildup of grounds in the needle that’s the route cause. That appears to be an effect. I thought it was the k-cup I was using from amazon so I bought the key rig brand and it happened immediately. I was making my own blend. A mixture of 1 part espresso grounds, 1 part regular, 1 part decaf, and a generous pinch of both cacao powder and cinnamon. DELICIOUS when it actually brewed. I think the espresso, cacao, and cinnamon grounds were too fine, either they were getting through the filter and into the needle or clogging the filter causing the water to backup and unseal the lid. Either way, I haven’t had this issue since I cut out the espresso grounds and reduced the fine powders.


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I tried all of the fixes. Called kuirig, no help. Finally noticed if I only fill the water 3/4 full is happy. No problems for 6 months now.

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I have the Keurig 2.0 and had the same error Pressure error message. Tried the orange cleaning tool, vinegar, using a pin to clean the needles, and turning it upside down. All methods failed. I took the unit apart carefully 4 screws on the bottom; two on the side where the water tank sits; one under the silver cover; pull the front down and away; pull the silver top up but not off; Pull the wrap around side up very high to clear a large hook. Then find the circuit board a small hose is going to a component remove the hose and power unit up. If it works you have a clog but If it still has the same error unplug unit and carefully pull the circuit board up and away just enough to cut the legs of the component from the board. Reinstall the component on the hose to act as a hose plug. I set mine on the bottom out of the way. Reassembled unit in reverse order and it is now been working once again. Component is no longer available to purchase. Cost to fix ZERO!!!!

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Oh the top cover has hooks as well so light pressure is needed to snap it loose


I've got a couple things you are welcome to put back together for me!! (All the King's horses and all the King's men said, "OH NO!!, not scrambled eggs again!!!)


My Keurig 500 series has the water under pressure message every time I fill up the container with my own coffee. I can make coffee all day long with pods and never have the issue. I ran lots of plain water through it, cleaned the needle, performed needle maintenance and everything I can think of but this issue persists.


Hi everyone i have found the solution. No need to use paperclips or anything like or even open the casing to modify the circuit..

I found by turning over upside down the keurig over the sink and tapping with a good force near where the water container is situated that you will unclog water trapped in the water hose .

Therefore liberating the air pockets and freeing the water .

Let the water empty in the sink and when it's finish dripping to wipe your machine and counter and should solve your headaches with keurig,

Refill the reservoir container and try to make it work.

Job done with not extra hassles.

good luck


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I’m completely disgusted with Keurig. I’ve had brewers since 2004/5 and I’ve had 5 brewers. This last one (2.0) I purchased about 8 months ago keeps getting the “pressure” message. I am so annoyed that each brewer we purchased, after the first one died after 5 years, have had very short life-spans. Never again. Once our k-cups are gone I’m going back to brewing my coffee on the stove in my 1946 vacuum pot.

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Its the needle in the top part that you pull down on top of the cup. All I did, because the cleaning pod wasn’t working, is I tipped the kuerig up over the sink and sprayed the needle with the kitchen hose connection, wiped it off being careful not to hurt myself on the needle ( I really shouldn’t need to type that but good lord people are stupid) once I had rinsed it aggressively and wiped it clean making sure no bits of coffee were coming off or out of it still I closed the lid, plugged it in and ran a 6 oz rinse. Worked like a charm

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I simply clean the needle with my finger. Don't be so ridiculous!

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My Keurig is 4 years old and I just started having this issue. I just ordered the maintenance kit.

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Ya when it says that or like on my keurig ,I have a blue light that appears ,it's saying to add more water.

Quick fix if no water comes out,IT'S because of blockage or air bubbles in the hoses or system.

Makes sure water reservoir is off .

Turn your keurig upside down and shake it ,even tap the coffee maker a few time,it will free up the air in the system.

Best of luck.


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I finally made this problem go away for an extended time. I tried all of the cleaning methods and they worked temporarily. What worked for much longer had to do with making the best puncture hole in the bottom of the kcup. The hole needs to be a “U” shaped hole with a flat side. The silicone boot needs to be good to push the kcup back off the needle. I replaced the needle assembly and then I started pushing the kcup all the way down with my hand before closing latch. The plastic that is supposed to push the cup down flexes too much after it’s aged and it doesn’t push the cup down well enough. Doing this and doing a cleaning with straight vinegar has kept the problem away for several months. Good Luck!

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