O seu dispositivo acabou de tomar um banho. O que fazer?
Em qualquer situação envolvendo a submersão ou respingos de um dispositivo eletrônico em qualquer líquido, o primeiro passo é desconectar todas as fontes de alimentação assim que for possível com segurança.
- Preste atenção à sua segurança pessoal em primeiro lugar! Tenha cuidado ao desconectar qualquer dispositivo da corrente doméstica ou de qualquer outra fonte. Se você estiver de pé na água ou suas roupas estiverem molhadas, por favor, remova-se de qualquer risco de choque potencial antes mesmo de pensar em recuperar um dispositivo eletrônico submerso ou encharcado.
- Se o dispositivo eletrônico ainda estiver submerso e estiver conectado a uma fonte de alimentação externa, encontre uma maneira segura de desconectá-lo. Se possível, encontre um disjuntor ou interruptor para essa fonte de energia e desligue-o. Tenha cuidado se você optar por remover um plugue ou um adaptador de alimentação de uma tomada que não tenha sido desligada.
- Recuperar um dispositivo eletrônico submerso ou encharcado que contém uma bateria apresenta seus próprios riscos. Uma bateria em curto-circuito pode causar um incêndio e / ou um perigo químico. Se vir ou sentir qualquer calor, fumaça, vapor, borbulhar, abaulamento ou fusão, evite o manuseio do dispositivo eletrônico.
- Se o dispositivo ainda estiver ligado, desligue-o.
- Gire e agite o dispositivo para deixar escorrer qualquer fluido para fora do aparelho.
- Se possível, remova a bateria.
- Se possível, desmonte o dispositivo, para permitir que o líquido restante escorra e comece a limpar os componentes internos. Isto é extremamente importante com líquidos ácidos, tais como sumo de fruta ou líquidos alcalinos, tais como água de lavagem.
- CONSELHO: O arroz e dessecantes similares não ajudam! Eles irão aumentar o dano a longo prazo, pois não removem os agentes contaminantes do líquido derramado.
Limpeza das placas de circuito
- Desmonte completamente o dispositivo, removendo todos os cabos e abrindo todos os conectores e remova as chapas protetoras para poder acessar por debaixo delas. Para deslocar qualquer líquido remanescente ao redor ou sob quaisquer componentes da placa lógica, mergulhe-o completamente num recipiente de tamanho adequado cheio com álcool isopropílico. Idealmente, use uma concentração de 90% ou superior disponível de um farmacêutico ou farmácia. Você pode usar água destilada ou desionizada como um líquido de limpeza alternativo, embora isso leve mais tempo para secar. Evite solventes como a cetona, a acetona ou a nafta.
- Use uma escova de dentes, escova de pintura pequena ou outra escova macia para limpar a placa lógica de quaisquer detritos ou depósitos do líquido ofensivo. Tenha cuidado ao limpar para evitar danificar ou bater acidentalmente em componentes da placa lógica. Preste muita atenção aos conectores e extremidades dos cabos de fita para evitar a corrosão de suas superfícies de contato. Se tiver um limpador ultrassônico, ele proporcionará uma limpeza mais profunda das áreas expostas da placa. Além disso, ele removerá a sujeira e a corrosão das áreas nas quais uma escova dental não pode alcançar (p. ex. debaixo dos chips).
- Uma vez que você está satisfeito que a placa lógica está limpa e livre de corrosão, você pode usar um secador de cabelo com ar frio e secar a placa lógica. Em alternativa, a placa lógica pode ser colocada sob uma lâmpada de mesa para a aquecer suavemente e secar o fluido de limpeza.
- Quando os componentes estiverem secos, verifique as extremidades dos cabos e os conectores novamente para detectar sinais de corrosão ou sujidade.
- Remonte seu dispositivo usando uma bateria nova ou uma na qual confia que esteja em bom estado de funcionamento. Se o seu dispositivo foi submerso, é provável que você vá precisar de uma bateria nova. Lítio e outros tipos de baterias recarregáveis não toleram submersão. Novamente, qualquer sinal de borbulhamento, abaulamento, derretimento ou descoloração na bateria indica que está danificada. Descarte-a somente em instalações de reciclagem de baterias.
- Depois de ter seu dispositivo montado, o verdadeiro trabalho de avaliação dos danos começa. Procure o que está funcionando e substitua as peças de uma forma organizada, nem todas de uma vez. A ordem provável de falha em um dispositivo eletrônico menor é tipicamente:
- Bateria
- Placa lógica
pH de fluidos comuns
Um número inferior a 7 indica uma solução ácida, enquanto um número acima de 7 indica uma solução alcalina. Ambos os casos são ruins para os componentes eletrônicos. Conhecer o pH do fluido pode ajudar a dar-lhe uma ideia de quão grave é o dano.
- Água pura pH neutro = 7,0
- Água do mar i.e. água salgada = cerca de 8,2
- Água da piscina regulada = 7,2 a 7,8 (Fonte)
- Suco de limão = 2,3
- Cola = 2,5 a 3,5
- Suco de Frutas = 3,5
- Cerveja = 4,5
- Café = 5,0
- Chá = 5,5
- Sabonete = 9,0 a 10,0
- Alvejante = 12,5
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93 comentários
so what do i after the first step ... Beep accidently drip on computer screen only .. there is alot of water mark on screen .. computer is workin fine... computer is off right now! please help
Alba Ramirez - Responder
Alba this is the wrong area to post this. Please ask your question here: http://www.ifixit.com/Answers/
ABCellars -
*sorry Beer dripped inside computer monitor
Alba Ramirez - Responder
I have MacBook Pro normal water dropped in keyboard.Fan is working But lcd also back light not working
shahabaz731 shabu -
Special Note.
Pure water neutral pH = 7.0 You don't have too much of an issue here -- easy to clean
Blood = 7.4 This may be more of an issue. If it is a large amount and your blood please seek medical advice
Gastric Juice = 0.7 See Blood
Urine = 6.0 If it's yours you may have behavioral issues. If it isn't, do you really want to clean it??
Pancreatic Juice = 8.1 See Blood
Cerebrospinal Fluid = 7.3 Really see blood
Saliva = 7.0 Ex Sneeze, just wipe it off. If sufficient to cause electrical; issue then you have other problems
Wheat Beer = 3.3 - 3.7 Why are there 3 kinds of beer listed
Lager Beer = 4.4 - 4.7 Really Why
Unfermented Beer = 5.5 What about a nice red wine
Lemon juice = 2.3 No comment
Bleach = 12 to 12.6 At least it is not a bio hazard anymore (see Blood, Urine etc)
Sea water i.e. Saltwater = about 8.2 ;)
Bruce Kempe - Responder
You Sir just killed me. Might just never stop laughing XD
mexorsu -
gamerboo692 -
gamerboo692 -
Trying to figure out how to clean a mother board on a roomba vacuum that I got wet and came across this. I belly laughed. thanks for that.
louisbodie -
Thank you, thank you, thank you and thank you!!!!!!!! I love "ifixit".
I had a macbook with water damage. So I open the macbook and diassemble all parts. Then I follow these instruction and clean the logic board with toothbrush and isopropanol. I even clean bottomside of the cpu and gpu with isopropanol and pressed-air. Before that I diassemble the head sink and after that I appy new thermal paste.
So I put all together and it WORKS!!!
fischel - Responder
Hi fischel, did you dissamble de heat sink before submerging the logic board ?
Maxime de Montaigu -
So pancreatic juice is a "common" fluid?? Not in my world; unless I am missing something.
Eric G - Responder
I have a MacBook Air that is still under warranty and it won't expire for 10 months and I think it has saliva in it. Should I take to the Apple Store?
Dylan Byrne - Responder
What do you say?Spit in a computer is quality problem?Apple will cost you much.
Zhang Boyang -
Why isn't coffee on the list? It has to be more common than a spill of pancreatic juice.
gwoodward78 - Responder
No kidding. What about wine?
erinljames -
Thanks for the guide! I have successfully brought several computers back to life using these instructions. I know that putting pouring distilled water on your electronics can seem counterintuitive but it helps rinse off all the gunk residue. Just make sure you dry it well (I put my motherboards in my garage in the summer for 24 hours). I've cleaned milk, water and beer spills so far.
graham - Responder
Totally water submerged?
Once the unit is away from its power source, way away, take it outside in a ventillated area and pour isopropyl alcohol through the device, letting it displace the water as much as humanly possible. If its a camera try not to overdo it as to screw up the optics, If the optics are already contaminated, the alcohol thing might help but you still need to get the optics serviced.
for non-optical, keep the alcohol rinse/flush going a couple times and let the device either sit out and dry, blow a fan through it, or do the rice trick. The objective is to remove the bad ionization and water from the device. Alcohol dries quickly and mixes with the water. It should leave it very dry inside. If its salty salty salt water, your gonna get limited use of the device after this procedure and it would be advised to get all data out of the device asap (say if its a phone). The ocean salt water will have already done damage and is nearly impossible if not totally impossible to recover from fully
edweibe - Responder
I I fix it! I poured tea over a mac book air and I thought I lost it forever.
So I opened the back and removed the battery and let it dry for a day. Than the next day I followed the instructions on your website and removed the logic board and cleaned it all with IPA and a toothbrush and cotton bud. When it was drying I had some silica gel bag that I kept on it to get all the moisture in the machine... Now it works fine. SO thanks!!
Keep all the silica gel bags you find in boxes and other places as one day they might come in handy!!!
attesro84 - Responder
Must the heat sinks be removed before soaking the board?
Ashley Jung - Responder
I have a Sony Xperia U which worked fine before I stepped into ocean with it in my pocket. It got switched off on its own at that moment. When I at last opened it by myself after 2-3 days of its exposure to sea water, I regretted not cleaning (using isopropanol as I know now) and drying the logic board within hours of its exposure when I observed that some smd components and EMI shields caught rust by that time because of which one very small smd resistor, in the attempt to clean the rust surrounding it that it caught, got chipped off. After that, I used hair blower in hot mode to dry off the board for long hours. After this much,the mobile stopped charging,for a while,using supplied charger(so I bought a cheap 'battery' charger to indirectly charge the battery).Interestingly,the mobile used to switch on(even with the res chipped off!)but yes,it used to take touch input intermittently even when I didn't provided any. power button acted as if pressed even when I didn't press it. Now its not switching on at all
Rishi Khanna - Responder
Now, even with the res chipped off, the mobile, with battery connected, shows the SONY logo and then the blank screen after that (earlier, it used to show a charging battery) when I try to charge it using the supplied charger. So, now, I'm not able to switch on the phone at all using the power button but 'some' part of its electronics circuit appears to be intact as it shows SONY logo while charging it. It may be because that part of logic board is 'misbehaving' which takes input from power button or that the power button (mechanically) itself is not working as I don't hear the low tic-tic sound that usually comes when power or volume up-down or camera buttons are depressed, partially to fully.
Well, one thing that I learned from this episode is that one should not postpone the process of cleaning and then drying the electronics just after its exposure to any liquid.
P.S.: If anyone has any idea of what in the !&&* is happening with my phone, please reply.
Rishi Khanna - Responder
often these buttons don't need complete physical 0 ohm resistence like a switch. Instead they control a GPIO line with pullup/down resistors so they sometimes can be "pressed" by just touching the wire by a finger for example. In your case there appears to still be something making resistance low enough to press the button(s) - watter or other conductive material.
kexxxik -
My phone was in my pocket with a baby bottle, the bottle leaked in my pocket all over phone, it was working fine but now says no sim card and won't work, it onli works on wifi, I took it too thw shop where they took the sim out and told me it was wet inside and gave me a replacement sim, I've had it in a bag of rice for the past hour is there anything I can do as it's a brand new phone with no insurance plz help thanks
Laura - Responder
I just completed a complete tear down of a brand new MacBook Pro with water damage. I had VERY low expectations. I cleaned the logic board with alcohol and a clean brush - going over the obvious tarnishes a couple times until they were clean. I pulled the logic board and ram out and cleaned both sides. Put it all back together and Holy hole in a donut if fired back up. Un. Real. Thank you you beautiful ifixit people.
Erik Rubadeau - Responder
I'm not completely confident that I can successfully disassemble my iphone, can I just submerge the whole thing in the alcohol or will that mess up the battery and/or something else?
Sarah - Responder
I followed your direction to the tee. It powers on and stays on until I turn it off. When I shut down my laptop, it does not power back on. Any help is greatly appreciated.
jazminevong - Responder
i was cleaning my wii's disc drive with felt with alcohol on it, you know to clean the lens reader, and when i plugged cables back in, wouldn't turn on!!! pls help me!!!!
Noah - Responder
umm what happens if an ipod is left out in the rain and has a cracked screen can some on lz help me
DEMONthehellwolf - Responder
plz can someone help me
DEMONthehellwolf - Responder
What about milk on a dj mixer
Stephanie Silva - Responder
great guide, only thing that I see could be an issue is under step 8. you guys mocked people using rice to dry out there phone in your video and know that it leaves starch in the devices. why would you not list silica gel? draws out the water in greater quantities and doesn't leave a residue inside the device.
iDoctor Cell Phone Repair - Responder
This is a wiki, and you're welcome to fix errors yourself. @jimfixer and @oldturkey03 have removed it.
Kyle Wiens -
Please help, some water got in the bottom of my tv screen and now the picture is faded, is there anything I can do
stevie - Responder
A toddler little people toy went in the pool! Regular water. No chlorine. I opened it up and tried changing the batteriee. Is it fried? I couldnt turn it off and didnt take out the batteries right away.
cathrousseau - Responder
what if the battery is non removable??
Scottie Mijjena - Responder
LOLmygosh! Blood, cerebrospinal fluid! What crime scene did people raid (or create)?I guess some people really want laptops.
cal grant - Responder
My kids spilt soup on the family TV remote. And now it's not responding. HELP!!!!
Nicole - Responder
I just opened my PS3 for multiple issues. When I got to the motherboard, I noticed what looks like Pepsi that dries long ago, to the point it is hard and not sticky at all. There is definitely some corrosion. In multiple places and crossing circuits.
I am going to clean it with alcohol. The spots where it corroded into circuit paths, worried me. Any suggestions to repair said paths?
Rs - Responder
Thanks ifixit, i would say that i spilled beer in my mac 12, after I passed your method it's working. You help me to save 850 Euro, the &&^&^$^ med store told me that you have to pay.
I recommend to others, don't be afraid you can repair these kind of problem.
Thanks a million with accurate steps
Nariman - Responder
A number less than 7 indicates an acid solution, while a number above 7 indicates an alkaline solution. - Can you please tell me some good Alkaline and Acid Solutions to use?? in each case
nicole33615 - Responder
I bought an inverter for my boat. The unopened box got splashed with sea water. NOT SUBMERGED. I removed the inverter (which was dry) and let it sit for a couple of days just in case. Upon installing, it works fine for 100w USB side but cuts out using 1000w side. No visible corrosion anywhere but I have not opened it up. Should I try a distilled water bath then alcohol bath to pull any salts? Suggestions before I crack it open? - thanks
Brian Sliker - Responder
I got rain in my drill, its wasnt plugged in, it was just sitting in the backyard , how to be sure its its ok, i just used a fan to dry it, but not sure for how long
peter_walter94 - Responder
My MacBook pro started acting strange last night after first spilling a small splash of miso soup and then trying to clean the keyboard with hand sanitizer.
When I woke up this morning the computer would not come on, I checked and it is fully charged.
The cursor was moving about on its own and when I tried to scroll down a page the computer would cause the page to quickly scroll up. Needless to say, my productivity was way down.
Question:. Does this sound like liquid damage or something else?
Chelley Hopson - Responder
Chelley: You probably need a new keyboard. Power button runs through the keyboard so if the liquid has shorted the keyboard the button won’t work.
Adam Baldwin -
What do I do if my remote took a swim in my juice
Lu Anmarie Ayson - Responder
I did all steps and the phone is on but sound very fuzzy no startup sound etc.
Masood - Responder
i did all steps to clear out and dry. still sound is not working proper very fuzzy sound at startup logo even ring tone is not clear
Masood - Responder
i dropped my tablet into water, and it won’t stop rebooting. I put it in rice and it’s drying at the moment. Is it still going to be okay if it won’t stop rebooting? it is doing the exact same thing as another tablet i broke a few years ago by dropping it into water
Cassie - Responder
i dropped my tablet into water and it will not stop rebooting, i have put it into rice and drying bags and it is drying at the moment. What do i do if i can’t turn it off? will it still be okay? is it still possible to save it?
Cassie - Responder
You saved me $1000 bucks! I spilled brandy in my Macbook Air. I followed the logic board removal instructions on another page on this site and then your instructions for cleanup. I did not know that you could soak whole circuit boards in alcohol, brush off the crud, let them dry, and reinstall them with great results. My laptop works perfectly now. Thanks so much!
Sharon - Responder
Crazy ex- boyfriend poured bleach into my Yamaha Motif 6 music production workstation keyboard. After discovering bleach dripping from the vents, I never turned it on and it stood untouched for over 3 years. I replaced that machine, but I'm wondering. Did this caustic liquid evaporate or is it perhaps rusted inside? I'm not knowledgeable about this sort of thing, and Id like to ask, what will happen if I turn it on, now? Is it best to take it apart first before I attempt to power up, or even let an authorized technician take a look and swallow the expense? Any suggestions based on this information would be great. There is not a lot of info out there about bleach inside the interior of electronics. I'm thinking about trading the keyboard for another piece of equipment
Liquid Woes - Responder
I had water get into the charging block for my phone. How do I get it out without breaking it? It's a USB-C charging block if anyone is wondering.
Logan Barnes - Responder
What will I do now that water enters into my sound system (DVD) and my ps2
FRANK WEALTH - Responder
I spilled refrigerator tap water on the left side of my Acer Chromebook 15, and no sounds come out of it when I watch videos, what’s wrong? How can it be fixed?
Brayden Childers - Responder
Thank you for the advice! My personal DVR remote accidentally fell into a bucket of water. Wasn't working at all. Thought I'd have to buy a new one. Followed as many of the steps as I could, although couldn't get it apart after removing the screw. Removed batteries, turned it face down and shook it to get water out, used cold setting on hair dryer, left it under a lamp. Within 24 hours, it was completely functional again! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
kmayemurph567 - Responder
I just hope my sleeplessness that is worry triggered over my juice splashed prepaid meter pin pad will subside using this method.
joshuabuoy - Responder
My IPhone 6s has been dropped in are pool but has also been sitting in a drawer for a year is there any possible way for fixing that?
Persons name - Responder
If you didn’t put it in some kind of drying cycle, chances are there’s corrosion on the board level and it may not work. Give it a try…
DunCanP -
How do I get water out of a xbox one remote
annebeldin - Responder
Accidentally, I put the fan's remote control in the washing machine. I dried It up several times but still It is not working. What am I suppose to do next??
new tablet - Responder
Hi lads,
I own a 2017 MacBook Air 13’, and it was subjected to a full 750ml bottle of plain water spilt on the top right keyboard area while I was using it. I panicked and flipped the laptop upside down and switched it off. I tried switching it on again after drying it for a few days and of course it didnt switch on. I have AppleCare on this laptop and took it to my local Apple store. I was shocked when the Apple genius bar told me it would cost upwards of 2000 pounds to fix it which included a new motherboard and even top case for some reason?!. I went home distraught and proceeded to watch Louis Rossman’s videos on YouTube and doing some research on water damaged MacBooks. Lo and behold, I found tons of videos and articles detailing how to fix it with some ispropyl alcohol and some specialised tools. I spent a full week preparing myself for this daunting task that lie ahead as I anticipated the arrival of my tools.
Lack Adore - Responder
Once they came, I made sure I was free for the whole day and began disassembling my laptop with help from YouTube and took my time. Once I fully disassembled everything and got to the motherboard, I soaked it in a 95% alcohol bath for a few hours and also used a soft bristly toothbrush to clean it and I let it dry for A WEEK. Yes, you heard me right, dont panic and let it dry for 4-7 days at least to make sure all the components are bone dry!. After that I reassembled my laptop back again and pressed the power button. Amazingly, the famous chime came on and my laptop has been working flawlessly ever since!!, in total it cost me around 15 pounds to fix including some tools I already had from a previous fix. So it is never to late to have a go and you might just save yourself a couple grand!;/
Lack Adore -
Keep in mind, a warm DRY source like a 100 watt light bulb or even a hair dryer used to dry the board in intervals can shorten that time.
DunCanP -
Question: What ultrasonic cleaning fluid is suitable. It doesn’t mention this in the article. Thanks in advance.
Stephen Sherry - Responder
@mariancali Porfavor elimina de la pagina en español todo lo referente a secar/reparar un teléfono mojado con arroz. Es una locura en una pagina de reparaciones que se recomiende arroz. He intentado editarlo para que se elimine de la pagina pero se ha denegado. Muchas gracias
Oscar - Responder
Hola Oscar. Gracias por tu comentario. Recién me he dado cuenta que la traducción de esta guía está sin actualizar desde hace bastante tiempo. Esta página depende mucho de nuestros voluntarios y todos formamos parte de esta comunidad. Si quieres ayudarnos a actualizarla, puedes traducir las partes que no están incluidas; yo te aceptaré la traducción y puedes ganar puntos de reputación. De lo contrario, yo la actualizaré en cuanto pueda. Te agradecemos tu atención en este detalle.
Mariana Roca -
@mariancali Muchas gracias, me ponía nervioso al leer que una pagina de iFixit recomendaba arroz jejeje. Puede llevar a errores, ahora al menos avisa de lo inútil del arroz en la reparación. Veré mas adelante si puedo mejorar o modificar algo. Un saludo!
Oscar - Responder
Is it possible that if 7.0 normal water has gotten inside the LCD board that cleaning it will stop issues? I have had no touch response but I have cleaned the entire phone inside, everything else works fine.
Jazmin02031 - Responder
LCD and your digitizer are two different things… most of the time, the digitizer is glued to the LCD but if you have no touch response, it is to do with your digitizer and not your LCD.
DunCanP -
Hello! My phone dropped into the water a week ago and so I put it in uncooked rice in plastic for 24 hrs after that incident. And it was a success because it was working fine. And after a day I use it, got switched off due to low battery. And now when I try to charge my phone it isn’t charging. What shall I do now?
Aastha Napit - Responder
Get a new phone or get it to a non-authorized repair shop that can do circuit board repairs. You’ve clearly not listened to removed the power supply BEFORE putting it into the rice…. water takes time to evaporate even in rice so it would take more than 24 hours if you don’t DISASSEMBLE your phone to dry out.
DunCanP -
What if it’s already dried?
Jordan Watkins - Responder
my phone keeps turning off due to hand sanitiser getting into it Is this acid or alkaline?
Michelle Robertson - Responder
was making desert, knocked remote into the cats water dish. AS soon as I cleaned my hands off, i grabbed it and took out the batterys shaking it hard to get the water out, I looked up this page to see what to do. baggie and some ascohal Since I didnt have but about a 1/2 cup, but shock in and out, then I again shook it out, then set it up with the cool setting on my blow dryer for 30 miuets. Seems to be working now-I did add new batterys. Thanks fot the help
jenniferklovett - Responder
My iphone 7 was in my pants pocket and it was thrown into the washing machine and now there are splotches of water on the screen and the home button isn’t working. Anyone help please?
Hannah Xiao - Responder
Comments are not a place to post about your problems. Please consider using the actual forums to get widespread help.
DunCanP -
My Victor Reader Stream got a shot of FIREBALL Whiskey spilled on it!! Can it be taken apart and cleaned with isopropyl alcohol??? It will work plugged in, but won't work if the battery is in it!! HELP….
Kathy Curnutte - Responder
Comments are not a place to post about your problems. Please consider using the actual forums to get widespread help.
DunCanP -
“…container filled with isopropyl alcohol. Ideally use a 90% or higher concentration available from a pharmacist or drug store. “
Have only managed to get hold of ethyl alcohol (95%) - is that OK for cleaning smartphone compoments? Read somewhere it could leave some oil residue - is that a substantial risk or negligible? (Don’t have much to lose - phone completely dead - but if it’s certain to make things worse, then no point trying of course.)
Lukas van Trier - Responder
What can I do if I just let it dry upside down and put new batteries in and it still won’t work do I need new remote? Or can I open it and see if it has corrosion
michelle - Responder
how take xbox ones case off
leannepauline037 - Responder
I accidentally spilled water from my bong on my PS4 and I tried to let it dry out all day but nothing's working and idk what to do.
Nick McCullum - Responder
I have an Inspiron 7506 2 n1 I thought I was buying NEW from Best Buy, that Dell told me was manufactured years earlier and resold. That is a separate issue. Last night w had a sudden and tremendous downpour for about 20 minutes. My laptop was in the bag but must have gotten wet. It worked three hours ago, but now as I type, it just types gibberish and things pop p on the screen.
Is it repairable, and If so, how?
Fred Newhall - Responder
Remote filling coffee should I clean it with water dry and add new batteries
James - Responder
Is there a testing service to verify whether or not it's working? My insurance wants to know... 94536 in particular
Ted - Responder
i spilled water inside my backpack and my laptop got soaked, i dried it and put it under the hand dryer to make sure all the water was out/dried. my laptop still won’t turn on, what do i do?
Gwyn Garcia - Responder
I have a MacBook Pro by mistake I dropped normal water on the keyboard but know the fan is working lcd and backlight not working
shahabaz731 shabu - Responder
hey is it possible to fix power ic of an iphone 6 water damaged
Ashish chetry - Responder
Will I have to pay for it
Mark Ferguson - Responder
Hello. I have a small tablet-like electronic (leapfrog 2) and someone tried to clean it with water and baking soda for some reason. The sound works fine but the screen loads upside down, weirdly pixelated and touchscreen doesn't work. there is still some baking soda left around some buttons. What can I do?
Marie Girol - Responder
The key is the conductivity and chemical aggressivity of the liquid, not the pH. So salt water is the worst (with bleach maybe), combined with the fact that electrolysis of saltwater produces gaseous chlorine or hydrochloric acid, which are highly corrosive to metal.
Absolute priority is to switch off the power, AC power for security purposes, and also DC because DC will degrade your device by electrolysis of random parts of it (and there is also DC in each and every device nowadays). So, REMOVE THE BATTERY!
Electrolytic corrosion also happens to un-powered devices, but it is a much slower process (days vs minutes).
During disassembly of the device, take pics of the steps and keep keep track of fasteners (and send pics to iFixit later!). I know, it is an emergency situation, but taking a couple additional minutes for saving your device, if it has already been 10-15min in the water, to know how to remount the device is worth it: when power is disconnected, the degradation is much slower anyway.
dbovey - Responder
Do never use any mineral added to the cleaning fluid (isopropylic alcohol or distilled/demineralised water: NO RESIDUE is the key). Any mineral powder or basically any dirt will become conductive when humid (and attract humidity=hygroscopic) and wreak havoc with electronics operation. @mariegirol the backing soda is probably what's causing the problem, use the same procedure as described above with isopropylic alcohol or distilled/demineralised water ONLY.
dbovey - Responder