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Phone will not turn on
Your Blu Studio 5.5 S will not turn on
Battery is dead
Most likely your battery is dead, try plugging your phone into the charger and letting it charge for a couple hours. If it will not charge, then move to "Phone will not charge."
Power button is not being pressed fully
Make sure your power button is pressed fully, worst case scenario is that your power button needs to be replaced or cleaned.
Phone will not charge
Your Blu Studio 5.5 S won't charge, or the battery is dead.
Charger is not plugged into the phone
If your phone is not charging, make sure that the charger is firmly plugged into the outlet and the microUSB port on your phone.
Bad electrical wall outlet
If your phone still isn't charging, perhaps the wall outlet is bad. Although you would most likely be aware of this, consider plugging your charger into another outlet to see if anything changes.
microUSB input is broken
The microUSB port on your phone may be broken or dirty, consider cleaning with a can of compressed air, if that fails, the port may need to be replaced.
Charger is broken
It is possible for the microUSB charger to be broken, attempted to use another charger to charge the phone to confirm this.
Battery is completely drained
There is a possibility that the phone battery has gone bad. If all else fails, consider purchasing a new one. See our replacement guide for more information Blu Studio 5.5 S Battery Replacement
Screen freezes
What to do if your Blu Studio 5.5 S freezes.
If your phone has frozen, wait a moment. The phone uses an Android os and will pop up an error if something has crashed, usually allowing for you to close anything crashing.
Force Shutdown
Try forcing the phone to shut off by pressing and holding the power button until it turns off. Once it does, wait a few seconds before turning it back on.
Remove battery
Pop off the back case and pull the battery out, this will hard shutoff the phone, removing any possible reasons why it may freeze.
Cannot connect to Wi-Fi
Wi-Fi is not turned on
Go to the pulldown menu at the top of the screen and tap the Wi-Fi icon, to enable Wi-Fi. It will automatically connect to an open Wi-Fi or previously remembered network.
You are out of range of a Wi-Fi connection
Wi-Fi networks have a limited range in which they are can be connected to. Try being right next to the source you're trying to connect to.
Router is turned off
If there is normally a Wi-Fi connection available in you're current area, check the service itself, perhaps it's not the phone but some technical error has occurred, with the Wi-Fi network itself.
Camera is out of focus/blurry
The front or rear camera is not working, or is blurry/ out of focus more than usual
Phone's battery is low.
Cameras require a lot of energy to work properly. Consider fully charging your phone before hand to ensure that this is not the issue. If you believe the battery is an issue consider replacing it.
Lens is Dirty
Perhaps the camera lens is smudged or dirty, with a light cloth, gently rub the lens careful not to scratch it, if this does not solve your problem move on.
Tap the Screen
It is a new feature of smartphones that to focus your camera you tap on the screen where it needs to focus on. If you do this and the green square turns red, it's just the lighting/location. If the square turns green, it's another issue and continue on.
Camera is Broken
There's a chance that your camera is broken, or the lens is cracked, to fix the lens consult our Base Case Repair Guide, and our Front and Back Camera replacement to fix this issue.
13 comentários
What to do if phone hangs only in contacts ?
S R Soni - Responder
I can't download music. Can u tell me how to fix that?
Jamisa Ingram - Responder
Can you help me my camara is on selfie mode and it won't let me take pictures
Rosa Collazo - Responder
My camera is not broken but it not working any more
ylataja - Responder
my blu studio wont take charge .. i bought a new battery it worked ,, but still wont charge phone is dead now over a month help please
elijah rodriguez - Responder