First of all, I must apologize for my incorrectly written English. My native language is Dutch.
So I hope that you have some fun with this guide!!
Don"t hesitate to contact me if you have questions about this "repair / teardown" guide.
O que você precisa
first remove the first screw of the side panel.
now remove the upper blue plastic from the iron itself.
click the wires loose. ( you can click it loose at the metal part of the wire,there is a little metal clip you have to push and then pull the wire out.)
if you put it togheter again , notice that the steam button is in his place.
note: again, see where the wires run at.
now , the last part : the boilerunit.( the most expensive part of the hole machine too!! Here in Belgium you will pay arround 115 USD$ ( 83 euro)
be carefull with the last wires. some of them ( and also the thick black tube) are realy hard to remove.
tip: to uncalc the boiler, fill it up to 1/3 with realy hot water and the rest with vinegar. let it rest for an hour or 4.
tip 2 : if you unclac the boiler , be carefull with some wires, you can't remove them all if you only going to uncalc the machine.
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43 comentários
Thanks a lot for this, I used it as a guide to replace the soleplate and hose lead - I think I would have struggled without this very handy and well written document.
Thanks for these instructions and clear pictures. Very helpful and excellent English.
A lot of Philips GC83xx boiler steam iron devices seem to have 'switch off' issues after about 2 years of usage. If you notice that the light around the on/off button is fading, especially when pushing the steam button, your problem might be caused by the capacitors in the power supply. Verify this by checking the power voltage (blue wire on the power board connector): it should be 24Volt dc. If this is significantly less, try replacing the big capacitor on the power board. But be carefull: the whole board carries 240Vac, and the capacitor should only be replaced by a certified safety capacitor (X2 type) with the same operating voltage and capacity.