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Barbecue Grill Grill or Vent

We’ve got the parts and tools to get your BBQ grill working again.

iFixit has you covered with parts, tools, and free repair guides. Repair with confidence! Our replacement parts are backed by our industry-leading guarantee.


5 results

Item Type: Grill or Vent

iFixit Buying Guide

Your repair experience is not going to be easy or enjoyable if you receive a part that doesn’t work. To save you the frustration, we ensure that our products are fully tested. We routinely audit the testing procedures of our suppliers, and closely monitor quality metrics to verify that they’re doing it right. If we identify an issue, we implement our own internal testing to prevent faulty products from reaching our shelves. If a part fails to meet our meticulous quality standards, our team will intercept and reject it — so you can buy with confidence. Our batteries carry a one year warranty, while our other parts are backed by a lifetime guarantee.

Barbecue Grill Parts | iFixit