Die Dichtungen der Brühgruppe werden stark beansprucht und sollten von Zeit zu Zeit getauscht werden.
Die Siemens Brühgruppe ist baugleich mit der von anderen Marken, wie Bosch, Melitta, Nivona.
Diese Anleitung kann auch bei anderen Siemens/Bosch-Modellen und bei Kaffeevollautomaten von Nivona, Melitta und Miele helfen – die Modelle sind ähnlich aufgebaut.
O que você precisa
Die Brühgruppe liegt offen vor dir. Du erkennst:
Den oberen Kolben mit dem Dichtring
Den Einfülltrichter
Den unteren Kolben
Den Niederhalter
Hi, Thank you for your howto. It is very detailed and helpful.
There is another seal in the lower piston. it seems to be a lip seal.
I searched and couldn't find a remplacement for that. do you know where I can buy it?
Many thanks
Entnimm den Einfülltrichter.
Drehe den unteren Kolben etwas nach links, hebe ihn dann heraus.
Hebe den oberen Kolben heraus. Er ist noch mit einem Schlauch am Kaffeeauslauf verbunden. Außerdem befindet sich der Niederhalter der Brüheinheit darüber.
Anyone seen the repairkit somewhere?
we have taken the piston out to replace the gasket, and noticed that 2 of the 3 return springs within the housing surrounding the piston are broken and offset. can we buy these springs as spare parts anywhere? many thanks
Was ist dieser Niederhalter? Wo kann dieses Teil reißen, kannst du mir kurz einen Hinweis geben. Bin mir unsicher auf welches Teil zu verweist. Evtl. könnte man es im Bild farblich markieren. Danke!
Habs jetzt in Bild 5 grün markiert. Es ist wie eine Brücke über dem oberen Kolben. Er trägt auf der Unterseite eine kleine Gummidichtung (kann auch kaputt gehen), die verhindert, dass der Kaffee oben über dem Kolben rausfließt (sondern zum Kaffeeauslauf nach vorne), wenn der Kolben ganz oben ist. Der Riss kommt recht häufig vor; er ist ziemlich unauffällig, du erkennst ihn, wenn du versuchst den Niederhalter zu verbiegen. Eine mögliche Quelle habe ich ja oben am 3.Okt.2020 angegeben.
VauWeh -
Löse den Schlauch zwischen oberem Kolben und Kaffeeauslauf.
Entferne den oberen Kolben.
Schraube die Torx T20 Schraube aus dem Sieb des oberen Kolbens heraus.
Entnimm Dichtungshalter und Dichtung.
Tausche die Dichtungen am oberen Kolben, am Kaffeeauslauf und an der Wasserzufuhr aus.
Reinige alle Teile gut. Gib ein bisschen lebensmittelechtes Silikon auf die Dichtflächen.
I have no coffee/water coming tru the outlet of the upper piston, i can see water runs into the piston chamber but nothing goes tru. I have changed the drain valve without luck - Any clue of what my problem could be?
Check for a tiny crack in the downholder .
VauWeh -
Well, are you sure that the issue is really with the brewing unit? I would ask someone if they could borrow a brewing unit for testing. As many machines are produced by the same factory and are equally designed (Eugster in Portugal) brewing units from Nivona, Bosch and Melitta will also fit.
VauWeh -
Drehe die beiden Schrauben heraus. Hebe das Ventil ab. Prüfe und reinige es.
Hinweis: am unteren Kolbenschaft befindet sich auch noch eine Dichtung, die allerdings etwas schwieriger zu ersetzen ist.
Fette alle gleitenden Teile leicht mit lebensmittelechtem Silikon und baue alles wieder zusammen. Prüfe auf Leichtgängigkeit.
Nice article, I’ve renewed the lip seal in the brewing unit but I still don’t get even a drop of coffee in the cup, it all goes in the drip tray.
I have dismantled the brewing unit complete and suspect the lower piston seal to be the problem as it doesn’t provide any “resistance” or tight fit.
You say; “replacing is difficult”, but no instructions. Could you please provide a link?
Many thanks in advance.
And: Did you have a look to the drainage valve?
VauWeh -
Thanks for the instructions.
There was a round spring that fell of when I dismantle, do you know where this should be?
I think it is the gray circle in step 6 picture, down to the left (8th o´clock) from the yellow circle?
Yes, there is a helix spring. Just put it in.
VauWeh -
Hello. I managed to replace the o-ring for the piston, I mean taking out and installing the new one, using a tool from this kit: YT-08429 .
Arbeite die Schritte in umgekehrter Reihenfolge ab, um dein Gerät wieder zusammenzubauen.
Arbeite die Schritte in umgekehrter Reihenfolge ab, um dein Gerät wieder zusammenzubauen.
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16 comentários
Très intéressant tutoriel.
Une heure me semble suffisant comme temps nécessaire.
À propos de « Note: there is another gasket on the shaft of the lower piston. Replacing it is difficult », c’est justement ce joint qui semble défectueux. J’ai pu l’enlever et le remettre, mais n’en ai pas trouvé de remplacement (-:
Maybe this one. It’s from Nivona, but the brewing unit is the same:
I have problem with my brewing unit of Siemens EQ 3 S300. Can you have an instruction to open it?
hi there, I have a Melitta solo milk, took apart to clean, now when the coffee moves to top piston water doesn’t get through from chamber to upper piston, cycle ends early and all pressurised mixture falls out. any ideas. many thanks.
Did you replace the gasket? The lip of the piston gasket must point towards the pressure, i.e. downwards. Perhaps you should repeat the whole process?
VauWeh -
Awesome! I manage to clean my filter with this guide. Thank you!
Hi, I appreciate this quide. I managed to disassembly and reassembly unit after cleaning. I tried clean it all because the machine stopped working and is in the same state as "dtdt" user indicated above:
The process description:
Press butten, the grinder prepars the portion of coffee.
The unit moves the piston up, the pump injects water and makes pressure.
At this point, the machine used to stop for a while and proceeded with coffee to the cup.
Now, the process is interruped with water and coffee wasted out.
I tried other functions like steam and hot water production but both work well, so the waterpump looks functionable.
Also during the shutdown process, the cleaning water runs out of the machine normally.
Could anyone add some hint what might be wrong, please?
Thank you, Jan
Do you know anybody with the same type of brewing unit (Melitta, Siemens, Bosch, Nivona)? Replace the unit by another to proof, if the issue is in the brewing unit. Another possibility would be a defective drainage valve.
VauWeh -
I managed to find the same coffee machine with deffective grinder. Surprisingly the second machine behaves also the same way when grinders are swapped.
I swapped also the brewing units, but the result is exactly the same.
So probably there is something else causing the issue.
I also cleaned and and reassabmled the draining valve part. I found no obvious mechanical issues there.
This starts looking more electronic logic issue to me.
Would you know what exactly in the process follows the timegap I described originally above? The controll unit might expect some sensoric input to allow the whole process proceed?
Thank you for your time! :-)
jan -
Really really strange. Without sitting in front of the machine it is difficult to get an idea. Did you also check the microswitches of the Drive?
Ok, I identified the microswitch, which is responsible for the process interruption. It is the switch controlled by the crema valve.
I observed that during startup and cleaning the crema valve is lifted ideally, both blobs on the grey plastic controll pod fixed to the crema valve are being moved along the microswitch (the valve operates in the whole working range). During the coffee preparation process, it seems like the crema valve is not moving along the whole operational range (only one blob is fully passed and the second one never makes it to release the microswitcuh.
I experimented with adjusting the angle of the crema valve grey pod - as soon as both blobs on the of the controll pod moved along the whole working range (in the other words when the microswitch was properly releaaed, the coffee making process passed successfuly.
The question is, why the crema valve cant make it all the way along the controll blobs = why it stuckes with the switch in the closed possition?
Not sure what drives the crema valve.
jan -