Follow this guide to adjust the settings on your FixHub Smart Soldering Iron using a computer. All changes made will be saved to the iron's onboard storage.
Plug the cable included with your iron or any USB cable that supports data transfer into your computer.
Navigate to
Click Connect my device.
Select your Smart Soldering Iron from the pop-up window asking you to connect a serial port.
Click Connect.
Current temperature shows the tip temperature in real time.
Set temperature allows you to change the iron's temperature with a slider.
Status reflects the current status of the iron.
Settings allows you to change iron settings such as idle temperature and sleep timer.
Serial number shows the serial number of the connected iron.
Version shows the firmware version of the connected iron.
Select the Version box.
Click Update now and wait for the firmware update to complete. Don't disconnect your iron or close the window during the firmware update.
Drag the Set temperature slider to your desired temperature from 200 to 420 °C (395 to 790 °F).
Click the Settings box.
At the top of the Settings window, select your desired unit for temperature under the Unit tab.
Drag the Idle temperature slider to your desired temperature from 50 to 200 °C (125 to 390 °F).
Drag the Idle timer slider to your desired time from 1s to 60s.
Drag the Sleep timer slider to your desired time from 1s to 60s.
Drag the Temperature correction slider to the desired amount from -20 to +20 °C (-36 to 36 °F).
That's it! You're ready to configure your Smart Soldering Iron to your individual preferences.
Still struggling? Try some basic troubleshooting, or ask our Answers community for help.
That's it! You're ready to configure your Smart Soldering Iron to your individual preferences.
Still struggling? Try some basic troubleshooting, or ask our Answers community for help.