Replaced screen/digitizer but it's still not working.
I have a 8gb iPod touch 2nd Generation that was given to me by someone who claims to have damaged it while using it in a swimming pool. They had it on an arm band, but the bottom of the iPod (headphone jack and USB connector area) was submerged in the water. The water damage indicator confirms this. I think it was only 1/3 submerged in water.
Anyway, the person said that it wouldn't charge, but when I took it home I tried charging it and it charges fine. It does get a little warm near the connector but I assume that's normal.
I then plugged it into my computer and it was recognized by Windows 7 and iTunes. I restored to through iTunes, and it Synced perfectly.
The only problem was the touch screen didn't work and the Home button needed to be pressed rather hard to make it work. I ordered a new screen-digitizer-home button assembly and installed it today. However, the touch screen is still unresponsive.
I noticed a little corrosion on the inside, which is why the home button didn't work properly. There is not a ton of it, but there is a trace amount which I assume is from the chlorine in the pool. You have to really look for it find it. I thought that corrosion was the main problem but since it still charges and syncs and the Sleep/Wake button on top still works I though the logic board was fine. The LCD and backlight are perfect as well.
I even restored it once more with iTunes to see if that would do the trick, but it hasn't. I'm currently charging it, and it's 3/4 full but still no touch response.
If anyone knows any other tricks I would love to hear them.
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