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Samsung's flagship tablet, released in March 2017. Identified by model number SM-T820.

32 Perguntas Visualizar todos

Permanent Moisture in Port, Even with no port.

Had a dead flat tab s3 come in for a charging port replacement, Changed port, textbook job, original port was quite messed up, they had been wiggling the port to get it to charge for a while. It will try to charge and gets 1.4a for about 2-3 seconds then drop to 0.0a and settle on 0.3a left overnight still no difference, when I charge the battery manually and start the tablet I get the moisture in the port message even when there is no cable plugged in and the same without the whole sub-board. Have tried all the tricks I can find online to no avail I am guessing this is a pmic issue and needs to be replaced but I am hoping that someone has come across this issue before and shed a little light on the situation for me.

Thanks in advance.

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Ended up being the PMIC was damaged by improper charging, got pmic replaced and all was well.

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