Is my logic board dead?
hi everyone,
I am trying to fix my father in law iMac 27” 5k 2015. The mac doesn’t power on. The model is MK482LL/A, A 1419, EMC 2834. The Logic board is 661-03172 or 820-00134-A.
According to my father in law, the iMac started having problems powering on, necessitating multiple tries and sometimes unplug- replug. The problem got slowly worse, to the point where the computer would not start at all.
I disassembled the machine and looked at the diagnostic LEDs on the motherboard. Led #1 in on when the computer is plugged. When the power button is pressed, led #2 lights up for a second and turns off. No fan. no bip, no other sign of life.
I ordered a new power supply unit, installed it, same problem.
I followed the procedure ‘deep dive’ in a service manual I found online. I measured the logic board coin battery voltage, found that it was too low (~2.2 volts). I removed the logic board and replaced the coin battery. Issue was not resolved. No sign of logic board damage by visual inspection.
I am trying the next step which is to force-reset the logic board real time clock, but I cannot find the reset pads that have to be short circuited, the picture of the logic board in the service manual is different from my logic board. I have a couple of questions:
- where are the reset pads on my model ?
- when resetting the Real Time Clock, must the procedure be done with the iMac plugged or not ?
- is there anything else I could try ? (except replacing the logic board). I am electronics litterate but not a technician.
happy to post a picture of the logic board if useful. Any advice appreciated.
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1 comentário
Did you happen to resolve this issue? My LEDs behave similarly, it's a 27" late 2015 MK462LL which has been damaged by faulty USB DVD drive. I'm going to try replacing the power supply also.. hopefully that will work, but would appreciate anything further you learned, thanks!
por Cliff