Does MacBook Air 11" 2015 share all parts with 2013/2014?
Aside from logic board, are all parts common between 2015 and 2013/2014 MacBook Air 11"? And if so, does that mean a 2015 logic board will work in a 2013/2014 MBA?
I haven't found many details online but as far as I can tell all the other parts are the same so the boards should be interchangeable.
Update (01/11/2018)
Judging from IFIXIT and some other online sources (same means identical or reported to be compatible):
- Bottom case: same
- Top case: same
- Battery: same
- I/O board: same
- I/O board cable: same
- Display: same
- SSD: same
- AirPort card: same
- Trackpad: same
- Fan: same
- Upper case cable: same
- Speakers: same
- Screws (for what it matters): same
- Heat sink: same
- Camera: same
- Battery: same
- Clutch cover: same
I think that is all the parts?
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6 comentários
Well I didn't expect you to go that far ;-} You only needed to worry about what plugged into the logic board.
por Dan
Thats pretty interesting! Good catch!
por Aiden
I agree that the externals are essentially the same but I would be surprised if the boards were swappable: (1) the later chipset is smaller, presumably entailing some changes in the board itself; (2) the graphics processors integrated with the board are similar but not identical; (3) the later model has a Thunderbolt 2 port while the earlier one is a first-generation Thunderbolt port. I found this info on the Everymac comparison page. Just my opinion but if it were me, I'd probably just look for a larger RAM/memory board from the same model. Macs are notoriously finicky and I wouldn't be surprised if the Thunderbolt mismatch crashed the system even though in theory it shouldn't.
por ttu
I think you've jumped to far ;-}
As long as the connections (keyboard. trackpad, etc...) to the logic board are the same between the logic boards the chipset used on the logic board does not matter.
por Dan
Yes I did jump too far, and I am honestly glad to be proven wrong!
por ttu
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