If it is brand new and its not indicating that it is charging or that it's not turning on, contact the seller about a refund or a replacement.
If it is brand new and after charging it, it should work.
If it's not indicating that it is charging or that it's not turning on, contact the seller about a refund or a replacement.
The watch has a 12 month manufacturer's warranty if the seller won't co-operate so contact Samsung customer support in your location about a warranty replacement.
Do not try to open it to find out what's wrong as you will void the warranty.
Hi @felipebraz35835
If it is brand new and its not indicating that it is charging or that it's not turning on, contact the seller about a refund or a replacement.
The watch has a 12 month manufacturer's warranty if the seller won't co-operate so contact Samsung customer support in your location about a warranty replacement.
Do not try to open it to find out what's wrong as you will void the warranty.