All may be not lost yet. Here is a link, scroll down to "What if nothing Works" and try solutions offered. http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/boot-windows-10-safe-mode/ especially what is written under "System Repair Disc" about a friend who can help with loaning one. Your problem may have only stemmed from a software problem. Win10 doesn't 'break' hardware. It mightn't work with it but it doesn't break it. If the worst comes to worst, presuming you had win8.1(or Win7 whatever you had) installed previously, contact Lenovo support, explain your situation, just say your pc failed after win10 upgrade, that you cannot reinstall win8 (or Win7 whatever you had) or get win10 going can they advise you what to do or send you a win8.1 disc (or Win7 whatever you had) so that you can at least reinstall that. Most times if you are reasonable in your requests and expectations of them they can sometimes be very obliging. It never hurts to ask.