Check in ''Device Manager'' (right click Windows Start button, left side of Taskbar)''> Network Adapters'' > ''right click on WiFi Adapter for your laptop> Properties > Power Management'' if computer can turn off power to device. ''Uncheck'' the box > ''Apply > OK.''
Try installing a [|WiFi scanner program] to check on the signal strength of your network and see if it varies a lot on your laptop
Try installing a [|WiFi scanner program] to check on the signal strength of your network and see if it varies a lot on your laptop. Remember that it is a -ve value, so the higher the dBm figure the lower the signal strength.
Also check if you are on a “congested” (or popular) channel that may be causing interference, (lots of nearby networks on the same channel).
I realize that other devices work OK on your network but am now beginning to wonder if perhaps you may have a problem with the WiFi adapter/antenna in your laptop.
Check in ''Device Manager'' (right click Windows Start button, left side of Taskbar)''> Network Adapters'' > ''(right click on WiFi Adapter for your laptop> Properties > Power Management'' if computer can turn off power to device. ''Uncheck'' the box > ''Apply > OK.''
Check in ''Device Manager'' (right click Windows Start button, left side of Taskbar)''> Network Adapters'' > ''right click on WiFi Adapter for your laptop> Properties > Power Management'' if computer can turn off power to device. ''Uncheck'' the box > ''Apply > OK.''
Try installing a [|WiFi scanner program] to check on the signal strength of your network and see if it varies a lot on your laptop
Also check if you are on a “congested” (or popular) channel that may be causing interference, (lots of nearby networks on the same channel).
I realize that other devices work OK on your network but am now beginning to wonder if perhaps you may have a problem with the WiFi adapter/antenna in your laptop.
Check in Device Manager > Network Adapters >WLAN > Properties > Power Management if computer can turn off power to device. Uncheck the box.
Few things to look at and try:
Check in ''Device Manager'' (right click Windows Start button, left side of Taskbar)''> Network Adapters'' > ''(right click on WiFi Adapter for your laptop> Properties > Power Management'' if computer can turn off power to device. ''Uncheck'' the box > ''Apply > OK.''
Try installing a [|WiFi scanner program] to check on the signal strength of your network and see if it varies a lot on your laptop
Also check if you are on a “congested” (or popular) channel that may be causing interference, (lots of nearby networks on the same channel). I realize that other devices work OK on your network but am now beginning to wonder if perhaps you may have a problem with the WiFi adapter/antenna in your laptop.
Also check if you are on a “congested” (or popular) channel that may be causing interference, (lots of nearby networks on the same channel).
I realize that other devices work OK on your network but am now beginning to wonder if perhaps you may have a problem with the WiFi adapter/antenna in your laptop.
Check in Device Manager > Network Adapters >WLAN > Properties > Power Management if computer can turn off power to device. Uncheck the box.
Try installing a [|WiFi scanner program] to check on the signal strength of your network and see if it varies a lot on your laptop
Also check if you are on a “congested” (or popular) channel that may be causing interference, (lots of nearby networks on the same channel). I realize that other devices work OK on your network but am now beginning to wonder if perhaps you may have a problem with the WiFi adapter/antenna in your laptop.
Try installing a [|WiFi scanner program] to check on the signal strength of your network.
Try installing a [|WiFi scanner program] to check on the signal strength of your network and see if it varies a lot on your laptop
Also check if you are on a “congested” (or popular) channel that may be causing interference. I realize that other devices work OK on your network but am now beginning to wonder if perhaps you may have a problem with the WiFi adapter/antenna in your laptop.
Also check if you are on a “congested” (or popular) channel that may be causing interference, (lots of nearby networks on the same channel). I realize that other devices work OK on your network but am now beginning to wonder if perhaps you may have a problem with the WiFi adapter/antenna in your laptop.
Hi @thespacebutt ,
Try installing a [|WiFi scanner program] to check on the signal strength of your network.
Also check if you are on a “congested” (or popular) channel that may be causing interference. I realize that other devices work OK on your network but am now beginning to wonder if perhaps you may have a problem with the WiFi adapter/antenna in your laptop.