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Iron Will Not Power On
The iron will not power on while plugged in.
Faulty Power Cord
Unplug the iron and carefully check the cord for frays, or disconnections. If the cord appears to be faulty, you may need to replace it.
Shark Ultimate Professional Power Cord Replacement
No Power Reaching the Iron
Ensure that the power cord is plugged into the wall outlet and that the outlet has an electrical connection. If the outlet does not have an electrical connection, plug the iron into another outlet.
The Iron is Leaking
Water is dripping from the Iron during use.
Cracked Reservoir
Ensure that the reservoir section of the iron is mounted properly.
Faulty Seals
Ensure that there are no cracks or broken seals surrounding the reservoir section. If the reservoir is cracked it will need to be replaced.
The Iron is Not Emitting Any Steam
The iron does not emit steam when the button is pressed down.
Faulty Steam Button
Ensure that the steam button has a range of movement.
Reservoir in Not Full
Ensure that the iron is plugged into a functioning power outlet. Make sure the reservoir has been properly filled with water, if not, fill it with water though the reservoir opening.
The Iron will not Heat Up
The Iron will not heat up while plugged in.
Iron is Not Plugged In
Ensure that the power cord is plugged into a functioning wall outlet, and is free of apparent frays or loose connections.
Not Enough Time to Warm Up
Ensure that the iron has been plugged in for a reasonable amount of time. The iron should begin to heat up after being plugged in for about a minute.
The Buttons on the Iron are Not Working
When pressed, the buttons do not cause an action.
Stuck Buttons
Check the range of motion for each button to see if the button moves properly. If the buttons appear stuck, firmly grasp them and pull upwards, removing them. Then ensure that there is no blockage preventing their range of motion.
Cracked Buttons
Inspect buttons to make sure there are not visible cracks or damage to the button pieces.
Loose Buttons
Ensure that the buttons are not loose and wiggling out of the iron. If the buttons are loose firmly grasp both buttons and pull upwards, removing them. Ensure that the two white pillars underneath are intact and operating properly. If they appear to be loose or broken, the button and dial unit will need to be replaced.
39 comentários
Checked the power cord and no breaks but iron will not show Power light. Button good and do not seems to be faulty,
Mohammad Ansari - Responder
Iron does not come on or get hot
Barbara Daniels - Responder
My iron just stop working. The cord is not damage. It was not emerged in water.
Ann - Responder
The iron should last more than two years three months.$49.88
Ann - Responder
My iron will no longer power on, I've only had it 1 year
Sharmel Jones - Responder