Scanner does not turn on
Ensure your scanner’s power cord and a working electrical outlet are securely connected to the scanner.
Make sure the electrical outlet works. Test it by plugging in another electrical device and turning it on if necessary.
Scanner does not scan
The scanner is offline or is not connected. Turn the scanner online and check cable connections.
Scanner is not getting power
Check all the scanner's electrical connections. Ensure they are connected properly at the back of the computer, the scanner, and your wall outlet.
Scanner worked but stopped working
The scanner may require an update.
6 comentários
When trying to scan, I get the following message: "The specified destination (image saving folder) is invalid. I have not specified a destination folder, don't know what this means.
Sheila Irons - Responder
When I move the motherboard on a ix500 from one unit to another does the page count / serial number move with it or is it stored somewhere else? Is a problem reported as with the optical system on the motherboard or another part of the scanner?
Computerman - Responder
My scanner is connected via wires and turned on. When I attempt to scan a document, the scanner light blinks off and on and doesn't scan. I've checked the connections and everything if plugged in tightly. I don't understand why the scanner has stopped working, nor what the blinking light means. Can anyone advise me?
B M Reed - Responder
I had the same problem. I found out a tab for WiFi in the back was selected to "ON". I moved to the "OFF" side and the scanner worked fine.
My scanner was working and now the light flashes but won't scan?
Liane Phillips - Responder