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Is your Moto G Power 2021 battery draining faster than is expected. This page offers some common causes and solutions for this.
Excessive Phone Usage
Having many apps open or being on roaming service may cause the Moto G Power 2021 to drain battery quickly. As well, being active on it for long periods of time may cause the battery to run out of charge faster.
- Turn off location services and apps running in the background
- Check if the phone has service, if it’s constantly searching for service it’s battery will drain
System is Overheating
If your Moto G Power 2021 is hot to the touch, the system may be overheating. This can be caused by leaving it in the sun or environments outside of the ideal temperature range of 68° to 86° Fahrenheit. Other causes of overheating include extensive video streaming or an overloaded CPU from power-intensive apps such as games or apps that run in the background. In extreme cases, overheating may be caused by malware from clicking on an infected link. Overheating can cause damage to the battery and a short battery life. Here's what to do when your Moto G Power begins to overheat:
- Remove it from any high-temperature environments
- Take a break from using your Moto G Power
- Remove apps' background access through Settings > Battery > Battery Usage, then click on the specific app to disable permissions
- Remove malware by clearing the storage on your browser app through Settings > Apps > Browser App > Storage and Cache
Faulty Charging Cable or AC Adapter
Oftentimes, charging cables and adapters can go bad due to wear, or even just age. It may be necessary to replace some of these to charge successfully. Testing charging with a new cable or AC Adapter, colloquially referred to as a "charging brick" may be necessary.
- Test a new charging cable & charging brick
- Place the charger in another outlet
Out of Date Operating System
Check the device settings for potential updates. An up to date operating system is necessary for your Moto G Power 2021 to function at full capacity.
- Tap the Settings icon > About phone > System updates > tap 'Yes, I'm in to start downloading the software update'
- Try shutting down the phone, and turning it back on to force an automatic update
- Ensure that you have service or are on Wi-Fi through which to download the update
- The phone may be considered EOL ( End of Life ) and be discontinued from receiving further updates
Debris in The Charging Port
If there is debris in the charging port it can be cleaned. There is a lot of dirt that builds up from carrying around your phone, and it's expected. You could use various items to clean out the charging port. Here are some items you could use to clean out the charging port of your Moto G Power:
- Visually inspect charging port
- Try blowing it out, or carefully use something small ( such as a toothpick ) to attempt to dislodge debris, being careful not to damage the device
The Charging Port or Battery is permanently damaged
If the charging cable is unstable when plugged in, the charging port is likely damaged and needs to be replaced. For a step-by-step guide, visit this iFixit page on replacing a Moto G Power 2021 Charging Port.
If the battery refuses to charge to 100%, or continues to drain quickly, it's likely it needs to be replaced. After two years of use, issues with the battery may simply be caused by age and it may be necessary to replace it. For a step-by-step guide, visit this iFixit page on replacing the battery for the Moto G Power 2021.
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