Since its November 2020 debut, the PS5 DualSense controller has proven itself a worthy successor to the famous DualShock 4. Sony's kept the improvements going though, with stealth hardware updates — five in total — and we'll call them V1, V2, V3, V4, and V5.
While all DualSense controllers use the same model number (CFI-ZCT1W), there are a few easy ways to tell which controller is which without tearing it down. Let's get started.
Finding the serial number
Like decoding a VIN on a car, your DualSense's serial number is the key to determining what version you have. The serial number is located in two places:
- Flip your controller over — on the back, within all of that printed text, is a QR code. Scan that, and it'll return a 17-character alphanumeric serial number. Note: some built-in QR code scanners, like the one integrated into the camera app on iPhones, won't work — you might need a 3rd party app.
- Although not labeled, the full serial number is printed within this wall of text, beneath the QR code. Look near "Made in China" — it'll usually begin with a letter, like E, F, or G.
Identifying your version
Found your serial number? Great! The controller version is the second digit.
1 is V1, 2 is V2, 3 is V3, 4 is V4, and 5 is V5.
E.g. Serial number G45700GWN10872283
is a V4 controller. (G45700GWN10872283)
Checking the box
Unfortunately, DualSense controller serial numbers aren't printed anywhere on their retail packaging. As such, it's impossible to tell what version a controller is just from the box. In general, though, as Sony releases new colors, newer colors will be newer controller versions.
Internal changes
The main difference between each model is a refreshed motherboard design, and each variant actually has a unique identifier printed on its PCB. BDM-010 for V1, BDM-020 for V2, BDM-030 for V3, BDM-040 for V4, and BDM-050 for V5. Each version has different connector locations and sizes.
V1 controllers have slightly different external shell moldings than V2–V5. Newer shells don't fit correctly on V1 controllers, leaving larger seams.
Although all PS5 controllers feature the same battery specs (1560 mAh, 5.7 Wh), the battery model number varies by controller version. V1 and V3 controllers use model LIP1708 battery packs and V2, V4, and V5 controllers use model SNYHR37 battery packs.
The most stark internal visual difference between versions are the changes in adaptive trigger mechanism housings, all secured with varying numbers of screws. While the V1 and V2 adaptive trigger mechanisms were modular, they became more integrated V3 onwards.
Size and Weight
All DualSense controllers are identical in size and shape. However, they vary in weight, with V4 and V5 being marginally lighter:
- V1: 278 g
- V2: 278 g
- V3: 278 g
- V4: 274 g
- V5: 274 g
What controller version do you have?
2 comentários
awesome intel. thank you sir.
Cesar Figueroa - Responder
it really helped me, i would have broken my controller by now if it weren't for you by now
Trevor Aubin - Responder