Unresponsive Touchpad
The touchpad does not respond to tapping or touching.
The touchpad is turned off
Ensure the touchpad is not turned off by double tapping the upper-left corner of the touchpad. If the touchpad is still unresponsive, it might need to be enabled on the device.
The touchpad is not enabled on the device
The touchpad must be enabled on your device before it can be used. Go to the Device Settings and select Mouse Properties. Click on the tab that says “ClickPad Settings”. Select Touchpad under the Devices List and click Enable. If the touchpad still does not respond, the touchpad driver might need to be updated or installed.
The touchpad driver is not updated
Go to the HP Driver and Downloading webpage for your device. From there, enter the computer model, HP 15-da0002dx, and click Go. Select “Windows 10 (64-bit)” as the operating system and click Next. Scroll down and select BIOS, then “download”. The BIOS file should appear in the Downloads folder of the device. Open the downloads folder and install the latest driver by double clicking the file. Instructions should appear on the screen to complete the download. If the touchpad is still unresponsive after updating the driver, consider taking the device to a local technical support service.
No Sound from Speaker
No sound comes from the speaker when needed.
The volume is turned off
Be sure that the volume is not switched off via the icon on the taskbar. If the volume is not on the mute setting and the computer is still not putting out sound, there may be an issue caused by an application controlling that device. Try restarting your computer and retesting the audio to see if the problem is fixed. If the problem is not resolved, it could be that your audio device is not set as default
The audio device is not set as default
Make sure your audio device is set as default. Right click the volume icon right corner and click playback devices. Double check your audio device in the Playback tab. If there is not a green check next to your audio device (Speaker/Headphone), click “Set Default” at the bottom and click OK. Test the sound on your laptop to see whether there is sound. If the speaker is still contributing no sound, you may need to update/reinstall your sound driver.
The audio driver needs to be reinstalled
An audio issue can be caused by driver corruption. You can therefore uninstall the existing sound driver in your laptop and reinstall a new one for your device. Open Device Manager in your laptop and double click on “Sound, video and game controllers”. As your sound device appears, right click on it in order to display a drop down menu. Within the drop down menu click “Uninstall device”. Confirm the uninstallation and delete the driver software. After this, restart your computer and Windows will automatically install the sound driver for your device. If you still have no luck, I would consider taking your computer to a professional.
Black Screen
The computer is on, but nothing displays on the screen.
Faulty Memory Module
When you try to turn on a computer, one of the first hardware tests performed is the memory check. If the start up test cannot access the memory chips, the testing stops and no additional actions can be taken. To determine if a memory module is causing the failure, try to isolate the problem by ++Performing a memory self test, Checking for loose memory modules, Testing the memory modules, and/or testing the memory slots. You can also test the memory using HP PC Hardware Diagnostics (UEFI).
Unresponsive Keyboard
When pressing the keyboard, the keys do not show up on the screen or are slow to respond
Faulty Keyboard Hardware
If the keyboard is not responding, first try shutting down the device. To do this, press the power button then repeatedly press the “esc” button on the keyboard. The Start Up Menu should open. If the Start Up Menu screen does not appear, the integrated keyboard hardware is not working and a USB wired keyboard is required. Once the Start Up Menu appears, press F10 and open the BIOS settings. Then, press F5 to access the default settings and click F10 to accept the changes made to the device. Finally, restart the computer. Go to Windows, and find Device Manager. Press on View, and select the Show Hidden Devices tab. Find the arrow next to the Keyboard tab, click on the arrow, right click the keyboard name, and click Uninstall to remove the device from Windows. Lastly, remove all the devices in the keyboard category and restart the computer.
Laptop Does Not Charge
The laptop fails to charge whenever plugged into the computer.
Software is Not Up-To-Date
Update the BIOS and Chipset drivers to the latest version using the Official HP website for drivers and downloads.
Incorrect Power Adapter
Make sure to verify that you are using the correct AC power adapter that was provided with the computer when purchased. Plug the AC adapter into a functioning wall outlet, not a power strip, surge protector, or secondary power source, then make sure the notebook is receiving power from the power source.Unplug the AC power cable from the notebook, then remove the notebook battery. Plug the AC power cable back into the notebook and turn it on. If the notebook powers on, the problem is with the battery. Go to ++Troubleshooting the notebook battery++.
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