O que você precisa
See tools needed for disassembly
There are 5 types of screws to remember where they go back in place
Remove from base. 4 screws on corners. Disconnect speakers from base.
Flip keyboard over.
Remove the square tube support first
Remove all visible screws on the back
Underneath tabs, use a magnetid screw driver to remove screws inside the keyboard body
Remove side panels on each side
Use both hands to pull it out, prying one side at a time
Remove ribbon from circuit board. Untape ribbon cable from side panel
Use a small screw driver to remove screws on circuit boards
Carefully flip the over the keyboard while holding it together
The top panel should easily lift up without force. Otherwise check for screws in the keyboard
Inspect for defective parts
Replacement boards available online
5 comentários
Bonjour, beau travail. Si vous continuez le démontage, de grace montrez le mécanisme d’action du clavier. Ce clavier est très bruyant lorsque la touche revient en position et il n’est pas évident d’isoler la source de ce bruit. Si le défi vous intéresse, vous pourriez indiquer comment atténuer ce bruit.
Félicitation pour votre travail.
Not many videos on disassembling the Casio CGP-700. This is a really good digital piano. The only problem is the noisy keyboard. When a key comes back in position you hear a loud noise. If you could show the action mechanism with the weight in detail, I,m sure we’ll be able to find a way to silence this keyboard.
JC Murdak
Hi Jacques, I’m looking back when I created this, but I don’t have any pictures of the action mechanism to help out with this. If someone else would like to add them, I’m sure this would be helpful. There’s probably room to double up on the felt or something similar inside of the keyboard if this is a concern.
This s casio part 91087245119. Search google.