Meu Problema
I fixed this computer, which I am currently using, because it was getting very slow, to the point it wasn't usable, even though I had already reformatted the hard drive. I figured out that the reason it was being so slow, was that it was a spinning hard drive, which is more suitable for a laptop, instead of a solid state hard drive.
Minha Solução
I opened up the back and took all the components out. I cleaned all of them with isopropyl alcohol, and reapplied thermal paste to the CPU and GPU. I then fixed the dvd drive which was broken, and replaced the hard drive, with a newer, solid state hard drive. I then installed ChromeOS Flex onto a bootable flash drive. After getting an Arduino, I realised I could not install the software on it, so I installed Linux. It has now turned out to be a good computer.
Meu Conselho
Open up the computer before buying the components you need - just to make sure, and to see if there are other components you need. When installing a new operating system, always think about what you might use the computer for. Be very careful with all the components, especially the CPU and GPU. Always make sure you put the cable in correctly, and that the port is clean.
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