Every week, we get a roundup of recent developments in Right to Repair news, courtesy of Paul Roberts and Jack Monahan from Fight to Repair, a reader-supported publication. Sign up to receive updates in your inbox. (It’s free!) Or become a premium subscriber for access to exclusive content and live events!
A last-ditch effort by automakers to gut a robust automotive Right to Repair law passed via ballot measure in Maine died in the state’s Senate this week. The bill, LD 1911, “An Act Concerning Automotive Right to Repair,” which was sponsored by Maine Representative Bruce White and passed through the state’s House of Representatives in March was “indefinitely postponed” by a vote of the senate and declared “dead” in on April 15th.
“We’re happy to see the legislature saw through the disingenuous confusion tactics of the car manufacturers and their sponsors and voted down LD 1911,” Tom Hickey, the director of the Maine Automotive Right to Repair Coalition, said in an email statement. “With our law fully intact, we will now work with the (Maine) Attorney General to convene the task force effort to implement the law in the most effective way for the betterment of consumers and the small businesses of Maine.”
The amendments sought by LD 1911 would have stripped key provisions from the law, including language guaranteeing independent repair professionals and vehicle owners direct access to wireless repair information, as well as legislated oversight by the Maine Attorney General, and a due process for disputes over access to repair information.

This news also comes as the Maine Senate overwhelmingly passed LD 1487, a bill granting Maine residents the right to repair electronic devices. Senators voted 33–1 to pass an amended version of the legislation. However, the bill now passes to the Maine House, where its future is uncertain.
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- Apple sued for deliberately slowing phones in Belgium: The Belgian consumer group, Test Achats, took Apple to court in 2020 over planned obsolescence practices orchestrated via software updates, which included the company’s now-notorious decision to issue software updates in 2017 for iPhone 6 models leading to performance degradation which some allege pushed users towards purchasing newer devices. Apple paid around $500 million to resolve legal claims over that decision in the U.S., yet the case has moved more slowly elsewhere. After procedural delays in the Belgian system, Test Achats has restarted the proceedings, pushing for faster resolution through legal reforms.
Um comentário
Australia’s automotive right to repair law which came into effect in July 2022 doesn’t even guarantee vehicle owner access to any sort repair information and limited to approved repair businesses and registered training organizations-a bad law unlike Maine’s (and is to reviewed in 2025 sometime apparently according to the AASRA).
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