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Este teardown (desmontagem analítica) não é um guia de reparo. Para reparar seu/sua iPhone 6 Plus, use o nosso manual de serviço.

  1. iPhone 6 Plusの分解, iPhone 6 Plusの分解: passo 1, imagem 1 %32 iPhone 6 Plusの分解, iPhone 6 Plusの分解: passo 1, imagem 2 %32
    • レディースアンドジェントルマン、さあ始まります。今日、私たちはiPhone 6 Plusの巨塔の陰の間を立っています。さて、この巨大なデバイスを特別なものにしている機能は何でしょうか?答えは次の通りです。

    • 64ビットアーキテクチャ搭載A8チップ

    • M8 第2世代モーションコプロセッサ

    • 容量16,、64、128 GB

    • 5.5インチ 1920x1080ピクセル (401 ppi) Retina HDディスプレイ

    • 8メガピクセルiSightカメラ (1.5ミクロンのピクセルを使用、Focus Pixelsを使ったオートフォーカス、光学式手ぶれ補正) そして1.2 MP FaceTimeカメラ

    • Touch IDホームボタン指紋認証センサー、気圧計、3軸ジャイロ、加速度センサー、環境光センサー

    • 802.11a/b/g/n/ac Wi‑Fi + Bluetooth 4.0 + NFC + 20-band LTE

  2. iPhone 6 Plusの分解: passo 2, imagem 1 %32 iPhone 6 Plusの分解: passo 2, imagem 2 %32 iPhone 6 Plusの分解: passo 2, imagem 3 %32
    • 南半球からフラッシュニュースです。

    • オーストラリア時間で発売日前日午後1時の段階で約50強ほどの人ほどがすでに並び始めていました。

    • 発売日当日朝7時には1000人に近い人々が列をなしていました。

    • iFixitの分解チームは前から53番目に並んでいました。しかしながら、Appleストアにはわずか40台のiPhone 6 Plusしか在庫を用意してなかったのです。

    • でも心配しないでくださいー今、私たちの手元にはiPhone 6 Plusがあります。なんとオーストラリアのiFixitファン、リッキーが助けて(譲って)くれたのです。リッキー、本当にありがとう!

    • リッキーといってもこの人ではありませんのでご注意を。

    • Appleストア内で少し散策をしましたが、直ぐに分解を行うためMacFixit Australiaへ飛んで帰りました。オフィスを貸してくれたMacFixitに心から感謝しています。彼らはMacやiPhoneのアップグレード/アクセサリーを扱っているだけでなくiFixitのツールキットも販売しています。

  3. iPhone 6 Plusの分解: passo 3, imagem 1 %32
    • 恐らく近所のスーパーでiPhone 6 Plusの Pop-Tarts特製Bluetooth/NFC が販売されるでしょう。

    • iPhone 6 Plusは長さ158.1 mm、幅77.8 mm、高さ7.1 mmです。文字通りPop-Tartsよりも随分と大きなサイズです。

    • 高さは7.1 mmでiPhone 6と比べると若干厚いボディです。ですが昨年モデルのiPhone 5sは7.6 mmだったことを考慮すると、少し薄くなりました。

  4. iPhone 6 Plusの分解: passo 4, imagem 1 %32 iPhone 6 Plusの分解: passo 4, imagem 2 %32 iPhone 6 Plusの分解: passo 4, imagem 3 %32
    • iPhone 5sと同様、iPhone 6 Plusは3種類のカラーバリエーションがあります。シルバー、ゴールド、スペースグレイです。もちろん、ゴールドを手に入れました。

    • iPhone 6 Plusのモデル番号はA1524です。

    • レビューで多くの懸念が見られるように、iPhone 6モデルは顕著なカメラの”突起”がみられます。Appleはカメラセンサーの厚さをカシスと同じ高さのデザインとなるよう、十分にカットできなかったようです。レンズカバーはサファイアガラスで作られていますが、それでもこのデザインは強度という意味で正しい選択だったのか少し心配です。

    • HTC One M8と同じように、iPhone 6 Plusは外ケース上に2本のプラスチック製アンテナストリップが装着されています。これらのストリップはワイヤレス受信に役立っています。もしこのストリップがなければ、メタル製ケースが受信をブロックするはずです。

    I'm pretty sure the lens cover is no longer made of sapphire. Can you guys confirm that?

    Joey Geraci - Responder

    Apple's technical specification explicitly states that it IS sapphire.

    henry3dogg -

  5. iPhone 6 Plusの分解: passo 5, imagem 1 %32
    Ferramenta utilizada nesse passo:
    Mako Driver Kit - 64 Precision Bits
    • どうやらAppleはペンタローブネジから古き良きフィリップス製プラスネジに交換するのをためらっているようです。ラッキーなことに、iFixit特製のPro Tech ドライバーセットがあればこのような特異のペンタローブネジでも対応できます。

    • Apple独自のネジは私たちのお気に入りではありませんが、少なくとも熱を当てなくても開口できるのはハッピーです。

  6. iPhone 6 Plusの分解: passo 6, imagem 1 %32 iPhone 6 Plusの分解: passo 6, imagem 2 %32 iPhone 6 Plusの分解: passo 6, imagem 3 %32
    Ferramenta utilizada nesse passo:
    • さあiSclackタイムです!この便利なツールで簡単にディスプレイアセンブリをリアケースから開いて外します。

    • 去年のサプライズは今だに忘れることができません。だから注意深く作業を進めましょう。

    • 仕掛け爆弾が見つからないので、私たちのゴールドに輝く小さなチェストをゆっくりと開いてみます。

    • AppleのTouch IDセンサーケーブルのリルーティングはiPhone 5のより清廉なデザインを思い起こします(しかもより安全な開口手段) 。iPhone 5は今日までに高得点の修理難易度を持つiPhoneモデルです。

    • 過去のiPhoneモデルと同様にディスプレイアセンブリケーブルはしっかりとメタル製ブラケットによって基板に装着されています。

  7. iPhone 6 Plusの分解: passo 7, imagem 1 %32
    • ディスプレイアセンブリを取り出すと、まず最初にiPhone 6 Plusの内部全体が確認できます。

    • iPhone 6 Plusの内部レイアウトは5sにとてもよく似ています。しかしバッテリーの大きさが全く異なっています。大きさだけを考えてみても、iPhone 6 Plusはバッテリーの寿命がより長いことが確実にみてとれます。

    any word on the display maker/materials?

    some - Responder

  8. iPhone 6 Plusの分解: passo 8, imagem 1 %32 iPhone 6 Plusの分解: passo 8, imagem 2 %32 iPhone 6 Plusの分解: passo 8, imagem 3 %32
    • ホームボタンアセンブリはメタル製ブラケットで守られています。このブラケットを外すとホームボタンが簡単にフロントパネルアセンブリから取り出せます。

    • このデザインは昨年モデルのホームボタンと同じモジュール式です。モジュール式でなければ修理の際に少し手間がかかります。

  9. iPhone 6 Plusの分解: passo 9, imagem 1 %32 iPhone 6 Plusの分解: passo 9, imagem 2 %32
    • フロントカメラはより大きなケーブルアセンブリの一部になっています。このアセンブリにはスピーカー、マイク、環境光センサーが搭載されています。2枚目の画像のパーツはどちらも、フロントパネルアセンブリに付いています。

    I'm a little confused.. Shouldn't there be mroe of a teardown on the screen? Seems the backplate on the LCD would have some ribboncable hidden beneath it?

    MobiFix - Responder

    Can the front camera b removed without interupting the function of the earpiece speaker?

    lzsdn - Responder

    My iphone 6 plus has a webbed screen however everything works 100%. I bought a replacement "glass front screen" off ebay and attempted to replace it yesterday. It appears that the front glass screen is glued onto the backplate. Can you confirm? I can provide an image of the screen I bought on ebay if that helps. Thanks

    Aruba1 - Responder

  10. iPhone 6 Plusの分解: passo 10, imagem 1 %32
    • 次にメタルプレートをフロントパネルアセンブリから取り出します。

    • Appleはメインの基盤に繋ぐホームボタンのデザインを再検討しました。これが高得点の修理難易度に繋がりました。iPhone 5sの時代に見られた奇妙なほど短くて破れやすいケーブルは過去のものとなりました。Appleはホームボタンケーブルをデバイスの反対側端まで伸ばすという努力をしてくれました。私たちはこのAppleの導入した改善にとても満足しています!

    • このケーブルを伸ばすという改善は修理難易度を改善するため以外の理由以外に思いつきません。ありがとう Apple!

    Apple is most likely primarily focused on the ease of assembly rather than ease of repair.

    Hacked2123 - Responder

    Exactly. A short cable that has to be attached like the iPhone 5S means a time-robbing assembly step that's done in tight situations.

    Making the cable long may cost 10 cents more in materials costs, but if it saves the worker 20 seconds of time, it increases manufacturing throughput of that worker and thus makes up for the extra cost.

    Worf - Responder

  11. iPhone 6 Plusの分解: passo 11, imagem 1 %32 iPhone 6 Plusの分解: passo 11, imagem 2 %32 iPhone 6 Plusの分解: passo 11, imagem 3 %32
    • 次の手順では、iPhone 6 Plusからバッテリーを取り出します。

    • バッテリーコネクターはメタル製ブラケットでカバーされています。これはiFixit特製ピンセットを使って取り出します。

    • バッテリー下部の付近に、粘着力のあるプルタブがあります。

    • これは私たちがよく知っているiPhoneの圧着剤バッテリー用のプルタブです。正しい方法で引っ張ればとても簡単です。ところが間違った方法で引っ張ると、逆の結果となります。

    • この圧着剤は3M Commandの圧着剤と似ています。タブを正しく引っ張ればストリップ全体が外れます。

    Is it Possible to remove the Logic Board right after removing the screen without having to remove the battery or anything else?

    Aaron Richey - Responder

  12. iPhone 6 Plusの分解: passo 12, imagem 1 %32 iPhone 6 Plusの分解: passo 12, imagem 2 %32 iPhone 6 Plusの分解: passo 12, imagem 3 %32
    • 呪文を唱えれば、43g、4.7インチ x 1.9インチ x 0.13インチのバッテリーが不思議とリアケース筐体から持ち上がります。

    • 噂通りバッテリー容量は3.82 V、11.1 Whです。全容量は2915 mAhです。iPhone 5sが1560 mAhだったのでおおよそサイズは倍に増えました。Galaxy S5のバッテリー容量2800 mAhと比べると若干の増量です。

    • この大きなバッテリーと省エネの間でAppleは3Gで最大24時間までの通話時間と384時間のスタンバイ時間を可能にしました。

    • 標準型サイズApple 6の容量は6.91 Wh、1810 mAhで、Plusに搭載されているバッテリーはスクリーンのサイズが巨大化したものの、バッテリーの寿命は長くなりました

    How much does the battery weigh ? Is the mA density per gram higher than previous generations ?

    Joao Fabio Tavares - Responder

    Correct me if I am wrong - at 3.82 V and 11.1 Wh, isn't the battery more like 2905 mAh?

    Valserp - Responder

    Can anyone tell me what the minimum A or mA will be to charge the phones? Curious if some 3rd party power banks I have will still work.

    nmccmv12 - Responder

  13. iPhone 6 Plusの分解: passo 13, imagem 1 %32 iPhone 6 Plusの分解: passo 13, imagem 2 %32 iPhone 6 Plusの分解: passo 13, imagem 3 %32
    Ferramenta utilizada nesse passo:
    • 新発見があります!しかもこれまでに見たことがないものです!バイブレーターアセンブリはバッテリーの右側、基板の下に付けられています。

    • Jimmyを覚えていますか?もちろん、覚えていますよね。皆んな Jimmyを知っています。この Jimmyの力を借りて、バイブレーターアセンブリを取り出します。

    • ありがとう、Jimmy!この内部にデリケートな銅製のコイルアレイ(配列)があります。これらは交流磁場を作り出し、これ永続的にマグネットの集合体を揺するのです。この集合体は幾つかのバネの上に搭載されています。

    What kinds of vibrator? Looks different from the conventional. What are the dimensions of the vibrator?

    Louis Jeong - Responder

    i think its new apple made and we will see some similar in the apple watch (taptic engine)

    3gfisch -

    The vibrator isn't the common motor/counterweight type. It seems like a linear see-saw motor, using the magnets themselves as the moving masses.

    raymondjram -

    Annoyingly loud, this new vibrator. Calling it "silent" mode is now pushing it.

    b c - Responder

  14. iPhone 6 Plusの分解: passo 14, imagem 1 %32 iPhone 6 Plusの分解: passo 14, imagem 2 %32 iPhone 6 Plusの分解: passo 14, imagem 3 %32
    • リアカメラはピンセットで簡単に取り外しができます。

    • iSightカメラの裏にDNL432 70566F MKLABとラベルが貼られています。

    • iPhone 5sと同様、6 Plusは8MP( 1.5µピクセル)ƒ/2.2 の開口部のリアカメラを搭載しています。6 Plusは2つの新しい機能を分解テーブルに準備してくれています。それは光学式手ぶれ補正と"Focus Pixel" を使った測距用のセンサーを用いた位相差オートフォーカスです。

    • 測距用のセンサーを用いた位相差オートフォーカスは、これまでデジタル一眼レフなどで搭載されてきましたが、スマートフォンへの搭載は比較的新しいトレンドです。しかしながら、 "Focus Pixel"を使用しているデバイスはiPhone 6や6 Plusが最初ではありません。ーSamsung Galaxy S5 が一番最初にこの機能を導入しました。

    Invensense OIS in rear camera?

    Piy - Responder

    it does not seem so

    visiblenoise -

    invensense in rear facing camera???????

    nann - Responder

    INVN in the cam?

    T1138 - Responder

    sony sensor or no? Which?

    seff - Responder

    Is it possible to put 8MP camera of iPhone 6 plus in iPhone 6 ?

    youplaou - Responder

    Step 17:


    Constant readings from the gyroscope and the M8 motion coprocessor give the iPhone 6 Plus detailed data on the movements of your shaky human hands, allowing it to compensate by rapidly moving the lens assembly. Result: sharper, clearer photos, even in low-light environments.


    I am still puzzled by the fact that both models have the M8 and MP67B chips. So, why do you say that OIS is only in the 6+ model?

    DoubleBagel - Responder

    Is there a small strap by the rear facing camera that is necessary for functionality? if so what is the part number or id? Thanks

    alexiskf - Responder

    • カチカチとよく揺れます。

  15. iPhone 6 Plusの分解: passo 16, imagem 1 %32 iPhone 6 Plusの分解: passo 16, imagem 2 %32
    • Appleはカメラの開発に執着をした結果、iPhoneを世界で最も人気のあるスマートフォンへと成長させたとKeynoteで述べています。レンズの裏には何があるのでしょうか?早速覗いてみましょう。

    • プラスチック製の開口ツールと指先を使って、カメラの筐体を取り外します。

    • あまりここには目新しいものはないように見えますが、iPhone 6 Plusカメラのアップデートは(容量が増えたことも含めて)アマチュアやインディーズのフイルムメーカーの興味を引きました。このカメラはこれから始まる解体への準備ができているといいのですが…

    Metal shield, 6 pins. What is is Captain!

    Evil Otaku - Responder

  16. iPhone 6 Plusの分解: passo 17, imagem 1 %32 iPhone 6 Plusの分解: passo 17, imagem 2 %32
    • リアカメラの内部を詳細に点検すると、まさに予想したとおりです。小さなレンズが確認できます。

    • レンズの下にカメラセンサーがあります。

    • このカメラと標準型のiPhone 6の大きな違いは光学式手ぶれ補正機能ですーこのテクノロジーは前にも見たことがあります。左側のレンズ素子は小さいメタル製筐体に搭載されており、右側にセンサーで囲まれた電磁コイルによって左右に揺れます。

    • ジャイロスコープとM8モーションコプロセッサのコンスタントな読み込みがiPhone 6 Plusに手先きの揺れる動きの詳細なデータを送信します。そしてレンズアセンブリを動かすことによって手ぶれ補正機能を実行しています。結果:照度の低い環境下でもよりシャープで、彩度の高い画像が可能です。

  17. iPhone 6 Plusの分解: passo 18, imagem 1 %32 iPhone 6 Plusの分解: passo 18, imagem 2 %32 iPhone 6 Plusの分解: passo 18, imagem 3 %32
    • さて基盤を取り出す時間です。基盤は数本のネジによってリアケース筐体にしっかりと固定されています。

    • しかし基盤を取り出す前に、スパッジャーでアンテナコネクターを基盤の裏から外さなければなりません。

  18. iPhone 6 Plusの分解: passo 19, imagem 1 %32 iPhone 6 Plusの分解: passo 19, imagem 2 %32
    • 基盤の表側にあるチップを確認してみましょう。

    • Apple A8 APL1011 SoC + Elpida 1 GB LPDDR3 RAM (EDF8164A3PM-GD-Fと表記されている)

    • Qualcomm MDM9625MLTE モデム

    • Skyworks 77802-23 Low Band LTE PAD

    • Avago ACPM-8020High Band PAD

    • Avago ACPM-8010Ultra High Band PA + FBARs

    • TriQuint TQF64103G EDGE パワーアンプモジュール

    • InvenSense MP67B6-axis ジャイロスコープと加速度メーターのコンボ

    Can you tell if the A8 was manufactured by Samsung or TSMC?

    halo1982 - Responder

    The A8 was definitely manufactured by TSMC in TAIWAN!~

    Benson -

    who won the gyro/accelerometer???

    DeandreCole - Responder

    Invensense !

    Piy -

    It looks like there is another accelerometer right next to the IMU... Might be that they are having problems with Invensense?

    visiblenoise -

    Can you open the rear facing camera to see if Invensense is in it?

    nann - Responder

    Love you Invensense gyroscope :))= :)

    Piy - Responder

    Is there a small Qualcomm IC next to the Avago and Skyworks parts with a QFE 11xx number?

    Chris - Responder

    You're correct Chris! It's a Qualcomm QFE1100.

    Geoff Wacker -

    Where is the barometer? Is it from Bosch?

    Nick Wong - Responder

    yeah, the bosch sensor is missing in the teardown:

    hmm778 -

  19. iPhone 6 Plusの分解: passo 20, imagem 1 %32
    • 基盤の表側にもチップが搭載されています。

    • Qualcomm QFE1100エンベロープトラッキング IC

    • RF Micro Devices RF5159アンテナスイッチモジュール

    • Skyworks SKY77356-8ミッドバンド PAD

    • Bosch Sensortec BMA280 3軸加速度計

  20. iPhone 6 Plusの分解: passo 21, imagem 1 %32
    • 基盤の裏側です。

    • SK Hynix H2JTDG8UD1BMS 128 Gb (16 GB) NANDフラッシュ

    • Murata 339S0228 Wi-Fiモジュール

    • Apple/Dialog 338S1251-AZ パワーマネージメント IC

    • Broadcom BCM5976 タッチスクリーンコントローラー

    • NXP LPC18B1UKARM Cortex-M3 マイクロコントローラー (別名M8 モーションコプロセッサ)

    • NXP 65V10 NFCモジュール +セキュアエレメント(NXP PN544 NFCコントローラーを内部に含む)

    • Qualcomm WTR1625L RFトランシーバー

    NFC is not connected to the battery right? It could never be used to wirelessly charge correct?

    Court Kizer - Responder

    That's correct.

    Kyle Wiens -

    holy crap you guys getting nerd hard ons ... where the F#$ is my pocket protector %#*@ IT ALL!!!

    Hayward Life - Responder

    Big business. For instance Invensense in iPhones for first time ever. If they are in the 6 also, that is 200+million chips sold over the next year. Revenues/Cash Flow up. Buy some stock(hopefully you already owned some or atleast some calls)! This teardown represents billions of dollars.....the question is who's making it. Its not all about iPhones and pocket protectors....its more about making stacks and stacks of money. One day you will figure it out.

    dt40 -

    Any chance you could remove the cover of the Murata 339S0228 Wi-Fi Module to see what's inside?

    Michael - Responder

    Can you confirm the M8 part no. LPC18B1UK isn't in the NXP manual; LPC185x is.

    Anthony - Responder

    OK, looks like M8 is an LPC18B1UK as stated....

    Anthony - Responder

    any view of the NFC antenna?

    Raymond Yu - Responder

    any fix for tactil bug?

    arseneaudave - Responder

    Variant: A 128GB model uses proprietary Toshiba (now Kioxia) NAND instead of SK Hynix.

    Roland Metivier - Responder

  21. iPhone 6 Plusの分解: passo 22, imagem 1 %32 iPhone 6 Plusの分解: passo 22, imagem 2 %32
    • 基板の裏側にもさらにチップが搭載されています。

    • Qualcomm WFR1620 受信のみのコンパニオンチップ。QualcommはWFR1620は"WTR1625Lとキャリアアグリゲーションの実行が必要"と述べています

    • Qualcomm PM8019 パワーマネージメントIC

    • Texas Instruments 343S0694Touch Transmitter

    • AMSAS3923NFC Booster IC

    • Cirrus Logic 338S1201オーディオコディック

    • Bosch Sensortec BMP280

    • これらのテクノロジーの識別に協力してくれた私たちの親友であるChipworksに盛大な拍手を送ります。彼らの協力なしではこれほどのチップの識別は不可能です。ありがとうございます。

    What's a "touch transmitter"?

    - Texas Instruments 343S0694 Touch Transmitter

    I can't believe they use two controllers for the touch screen?!?

    in step 21: Broadcom BCM5976 Touchscreen Controller

    tre - Responder

    Does anyone know how much the AMS chip costs (ballpark)?

    John Winters - Responder

    The guys from NFCworld found the ams chip now:

    Seems you cannot find it Googling for it.

    From the block diagram it seems the AS3923 is connecting to the antenna not the NFC controller.

    Fits to the description saying that the chip is replacing the drivers of the controller.

    They also mention to support peer to peer and other modes so we can hope for more than just payment it seems ;) Cant wait to get one...

    Force - Responder

    There is the Barometer below the SanDisk NAND Flash. Looks like a BMP from Bosch Sensortec

    Joe Ortaniak - Responder

    yeah, the bosch sensor is missing in the teardown:

    hmm778 -

    Do other phone manufacturers use an NFC booster or is this unique to IP6?

    John Winters - Responder

  22. iPhone 6 Plusの分解: passo 23, imagem 1 %32 iPhone 6 Plusの分解: passo 23, imagem 2 %32 iPhone 6 Plusの分解: passo 23, imagem 3 %32
    • iPhone 6 Plusの単独スピーカーが次に取り出せます。

    • スピーカーデザインはマークが解読不可能なものの、モジュール式のため高評価です。このスピーカーを製造した企業は今の所謎のままです。

    On the lower-left corner of the front of the speaker (second image, can't tell if front or back, guessing front), you can see what looks like a QR code and a serial number, but that's just out of focus enough so it's impossible to make out.

    Danny Dalton - Responder

    The barcode reads DXY43443115G34YAU dun think you can decipher anything from it.

    lawrence -

  23. iPhone 6 Plusの分解: passo 24, imagem 1 %32 iPhone 6 Plusの分解: passo 24, imagem 2 %32 iPhone 6 Plusの分解: passo 24, imagem 3 %32
    • Lightningコネクターアセンブリはヘッドフォンジャック、Lightningコネクターと幾つかのアンテナコネクターが組み合わさっています。

    • このようなケーブルの組み合わせ方はスペースを効果的に利用する観点からすれば素晴らしいのですが、毎日ヘッドフォンジャックが引っ張られることを考えればあまり好ましくありません。

    Is the 6 plus completely Samsung free ?

    Tochi Nwa - Responder

    At first blush, it appears so! Taking inventory of all the components, I noticed that as well.

    karrock -

    Who got microphones? Some users have issues with it. There should be 3 mics in total. Anybody know who supply it and is it possible to replace it with anything else? Thank you

    Laimo - Responder

    Wondering the same thing as Laimo. Thx!

    Sam Slant - Responder

    Do you have pictures of the other side of the power cable?

    George - Responder

  24. iPhone 6 Plusの分解: passo 25, imagem 1 %32 iPhone 6 Plusの分解: passo 25, imagem 2 %32 iPhone 6 Plusの分解: passo 25, imagem 3 %32
    • 次は、リアケースの筐体の上部に注目してみましょう。ここでは過重なアンテナの山が待ち受けています。これらのアンテナでも私たちの信頼するピンセットにはかないませんが。

    Hello. What is that cable (821-2294-05)?

    Mac Davis - Responder

    What is the function of that cable or antenna

    Albert Nana Essel - Responder

  25. iPhone 6 Plusの分解: passo 26, imagem 1 %32 iPhone 6 Plusの分解: passo 26, imagem 2 %32 iPhone 6 Plusの分解: passo 26, imagem 3 %32
    • 分解の終わりが近づいてきました。パワーボタンのリボンケーブルと音量ボタンのリボンケーブルアセンブリの両方を見ていきましょう。

    • どちらのアセンブリも薄くて破れやすいケーブルの上に乗っかった小さいコンポーネントから出来ています。

    re: SYX2 - get it? the industrial design team name for the case is SYX 2 i.e. the 6.2 inches in length of the case.

    Jay - Responder

    I really don't get it still...

    Hacked2123 -

    Wow, that took me an embarrassingly longtime to get syx (six) 2 (two).

    Hacked2123 -

  26. iPhone 6 Plusの分解: passo 27, imagem 1 %32 iPhone 6 Plusの分解: passo 27, imagem 2 %32
    • ここでは周辺のボタンを隈無く押しながら点検します。パワーボタン周辺に付けられた新しくて素敵なゴム製ガスケットに特別に興味を惹かれました。

    • 音量ボタン周辺のガスケットと似ています。これは防水/防塵機能を増強する代表的なデザインのようです。これゆえにデバイスの強度も高くなりました。

    Those ugly plastic stripes / inlays / antenna break-throughs – are the replaceable? Any chance anybody will offer a replacement for them which better meet the metal colors?

    Yves Luther - Responder

    Does either iPhone 6 actually feature official water resistance to any degree?

    Joey Geraci - Responder

  27. iPhone 6 Plusの分解: passo 28, imagem 1 %32 iPhone 6 Plusの分解: passo 28, imagem 2 %32
    • 私たちは巨人を倒しました。iPhone 6 Plusの修理難易度は10点満点中7点です。iPhone 5sに比べると加点されました。次にその理由を挙げています。

    • iPhone 5シリーズのデザインを継承しています。ディスプレイアセンブリがデバイスから一番最初に外れるため、スクリーンの交換は簡単です。

    • バッテリーは直接アクセスできます。バッテリーを取り外すには専用のペンタロープネジ用ドライバーが必要です。また同時に圧着剤の取り外しの技術が求められますが、難しくありません。

    • 指紋認証センサーケーブルは長くなったため、iPhone 5sのケーブル切断という重大な問題を解消し、デバイスの開口をより安全に行えるようになりました。(5sでは、ユーザーがどれほど注意深く開口作業を行ってもケーブルが簡単に切断してしまいました。)

    • iPhone 6 Plusでは依然として専用のペンタロープネジが外付けケースに使用されています。このネジを外すには専用のドライバーが必要です。

    • AppleはiPhone 6 Plusの修理情報を個人経営のリペアショップや購入者に対して公開していません。

    5s? Pretty sure this was a 6 plus? =)

    MobiFix - Responder

    Whoops... fixed! :)

    Luke Soules -

    OK, using pentalobe screws is kind of annoying, but you guys sell the driver for $8. Given how smoothly the disassembly went it doesn't seem fair to give a red dot (and maybe a drop from 8 to 7) for the requirement of an $8 part when repairing an $800 device.

    Eric Domb - Responder

    The battery though....

    ISMAIL OMAR - Responder

    But can you put it back together?

    Mark Bliss - Responder

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86 comentários

How much is the Ram?1G?2G?

jamdali5 - Responder

If this has 1GB of RAM, it's going to be bricked like iPhone 3G, iPhone 4 with 3GS specs and 4x pixels can't run iOS7, like iPhone 4S can't handle iOS8, like iPad 1's 256MB of RAM, like iPad 3 with 4x pixels on iPad 2 specs. iPhone 5 will run iOS11 fine with 1GB and iPhone 6 Plus will lag with less available memory.

iphone6splus -

the problem of iphone 4/4s aint the memory is the processor, unlike android, ios pause all the applications and tasks that are running on the background otherwise the applications on android are still rinning on the background thatswhy android need more processing power and memory to hold the entire system.

yeison_polaco -

amount on ram in 6+???

bowsa2511 - Responder

Ram of CPU is 1 GB

Joel Morales -

RAM is 1 GB, that's been confirmed by several people already (including Macworld).

Eric - Responder

I'm guessing 1 gig for the ram

Steve - Responder

Macworld didn't confirm it. They said it appears to be 1GB.

iphone6splus - Responder

Android Users be like: Please let it be 1 gig memory...Apple Users like: Oh no,hopefully he does not scratch it.

Steve - Responder

Shame that Android users weren't bright enough to realise that a phone based of [a ripoff] Java machine is going to need absurd amounts of memory. Which is why Android phones fail so badly when the user runs multiple applications.

henry3dogg -

INVN OIS in the rear facing camera?

Dre1107 - Responder

You guys used a 54-bit toolkit to repair a 64-bit phone? That's not enough power! You need an upgrade! :-D

zeromeus - Responder

YES! You need at least 128 bits.

Ari Porad -

iPhone 6 4.7 inch model teardown too? Or only Plus for now? Even thought it's the same internals on the board it's a different design after that.

Alec - Responder

We're doing the 6 Plus first. Fret not, the iPhone 6 isn't getting off the hook. :)

Jeff Suovanen -

RAM is 1G according to the part no. F8164A3PM-GD-F (8 stands for 8Gb=1GB)

Benson - Responder

16 stands for 16Gb=2GB

iphone6splus -

'8' stands for 8Gb=1GB (for 2GB SDRAM, the part no. will be 'A')

"64" stands for 64-bit data width (for 32-bit SDRAM, the part no. will be "32")

The datasheet of Elpida SDRAM can be found here:

Benson -

F8164A3PM had 0 results. You should've said EDF8164A3PM. Thanks for the link!

iphone6splus -

Where do you see that in this article?

fish -

It's on the A8 chip. Step 15, image 2.

iphone6splus -

Ah, unfortunate. This is my first iphone, !&&* my last android I bought a bit over two years ago had double the ram of this. Oh well, so it goes

fish -

The part no. of SDRAM (F8164A3PM-GD-F) can be found on the right of Apple A8 SOC.

According to the datasheet, F is the product family (Mobile LPDDR3 SDRAM); A is the power supply interface (1.8V and 1.2V); 3 is the revision; PM is the package code.

This SDRAM should be a customized product with customized package (the SDRAM in Apple A7 SOC is F8164A1PD while the standard part no. is F8164A1MA).

Benson -

Benson, you made it on MacRumors, congrats.

iphone6splus -

They know all we care about is the RAM. But its been largely already confirmed to be 1 gig, probably 99% confirmed.

fish - Responder

Thanks for doing this!!!

TechRx - Responder

Will they open the A8 SoC to check suppliers???

DeandreCole - Responder

ram is 1gb, been confirmed by many, here's one

minh - Responder

INVENSENSE OIS in the rear camera?

steve - Responder

Is the speaker louder than the iPhone 5s?

Alex Ortiz - Responder

Optical image stabilization by Invensense?!?

nann - Responder

Is the tear down complete? Who won the gyro/accelerometer? Invensense?

steve - Responder

InvenSense did indeed supply the gyro/accelerometer.

Geoff Wacker -

Does anyone know where you can buy that camera assembly?

Jason McMinn - Responder

What about compass and the advertised barometer?

Pavel - Responder

Take look at the position of the pressure sensor:

Joe Ortaniak -

So what's inside the Murata wi-fi module? Based on the marking, it looks pretty similar from IP5s's wi-fi module (with Broadcom's chipset). Can you please confirm? Thanks.

Chris - Responder

can you check to see if the camera ring is magnetic in anyway ?? there was a patent filed back in jan 2014 for a similar magnetic ring by apple. and the ring is what ether keeps the camera steady or what holds on different lenses. i think this is maybe why the camera protrudes.

misterkrad - Responder

dt40 please elaborate on this "making fat stacks". You have my attention...

Jonathan Bell - Responder

Any snapshot of the internals so I can use it as my wallpaper when I get the phone? Thanks.

WL Wong - Responder

Could you identify display manufacturer?

Osman Zengin - Responder

Where is the NFC antenna? How small it is to put into iphone?

Jay - Responder

It involves the entire top frame, looks pretty complex.

Tom Chai -

Step 19: InvenSense MP67B 6-axis Gyroscope and Accelerometer Combo

RJG - Responder

I would say MP576 from zoom of photo

Anthony -

I'm amazed at how people do not understand RAM usage in a modern OS. Android still suffers from outdated methods, so it needs more RAM. iOS and WP do not need more RAM. More RAM would provide zero benefit.

scottwilkins - Responder

Tell that to me next time your safari tabs reload after you load 3 simultaneously.

Joey Geraci -

Be reasonable Scott. If he was bright enough to understand that, he wouldn't have bought Android in the first place.

henry3dogg -

Android can do more at once, its not an outdated method, its flexibility. iOS and WP are simpler, which suits their userbase..

chrisM -

He's right. Java requires an absurd amount of RAM since it is an interpreted language, meaning that your phone has to recompile an application every few seconds! But iPhone runs on C++ which is super conservative with ram and in all honesty, all iPhone apps only need at max 312mb of ram while Android uses the whole lot.

Joshua Sandoval -

My A7 can handle over 20 tabs at once and never lag- Apple for the win :)

Gigabit87898 -

Any idea what the layer count of the circuit board is?

Steve - Responder

So is this USB 3.0 capable?

Fee Knix - Responder

The USB 3 extension, USB Type-C will attempt to bring USB 3 up to the level of the Lightning connector.

henry3dogg -

Step 17:


Constant readings from the gyroscope and the M8 motion coprocessor give the iPhone 6 Plus detailed data on the movements of your shaky human hands, allowing it to compensate by rapidly moving the lens assembly. Result: sharper, clearer photos, even in low-light environments.


I am still puzzled by the fact that both models have the M8 and MP67B chips. So, why do you say that OIS is only in the 6+ model?

DoubleBagel - Responder

The best part about the iPhone 6 plus is it's size. I think Apple are really out there satisfying two variants of customers - those who prefer large screens and those who are comfortable with the smaller screens. Also, I kinda found this awesome site that is already giving them away in Dubai before everyone else. You guys should check em' out -

Akhil Arun Kumar - Responder

Can you do an itemised list of all the components so we know how much it costs to manufacture botth iPhone 6 & plus.

teradil - Responder

Wait.. There is no strengthening frame in this thing, they are relying on the aluminium back for strength? Is that why there are reports of so many bent and damaged phones? Thats just bad design.

chrisM - Responder

@ifixit: what's the thickness of the rear case enclosure?

Homer - Responder

Why are people so caught up on the RAM? It's like assuming that a V6 engine is going to be better than a turbo charged 4-cylinder solely because it has more cylinders. It's all about what you can do with it. Yeah, the iPhone 6 only has 1GB of RAM but with Apple's know-how it's like getting the speed & performance of a V8 but with the gas mileage of a 4-cylinder engine. It's win-win. It's great that your phone has 4 or more GB of RAM but that doesn't stop my 1GB phone from blowing your battery covers off in the Geek Bench 1/4 mile.

jkoobers - Responder

Is there a way to improve wifi signal by using a longer antenna?

Oozi - Responder

Is there a way to improve wifi signal by replacing the antenna with a longer one or by some other method?

Oozi - Responder

Is there a way to improv wifi signal with a longer antenna or by any any other means?

Oozi - Responder

Where is the memory card?

Jalen Thomas - Responder

Is this true? anyone heard or read about this? please confirm if you have time

johanna palisoc - Responder

Apple's website seems to suggest the various flavours of iPhone 6 Plus have support from 3 up to 6 separate mobile standards (A1522 vs. A1524 vs. CDMA vs. GSM flavours). From the chips you saw in the teardown, do you think the various support indicates hardware variations for each model? Or do you think the hardware is the same for all models, and the flavours are a result of the regional firmware installed?

Nico - Responder

Anyway to tell the clock speed difference between iPhone 6 and 6 plus ..bcoz 6 plus has such more pixels to deal I think speed should be different

Sahil - Responder

is that the same touch screen controller from Texas Instruments they are using since the first iPhone ever???

Syd Pao - Responder

LCD Display Digitizer Touch Screen Extension Testing Flex Cable for iPhone 6 Plus at

Dean - Responder

LCD Display Digitizer Touch Screen Extension Testing Flex Cable at

Dean - Responder

Which Bluetooth Chipset is used in 6 Plus

Krishna Tawar - Responder

Beau boulot Cool !☺

Chercheurs - Responder

They know all we care about is the RAM. But its been largely already confirmed to be 1 gig, probably 99% confirmed.

Komal Khan - Responder

Question - My logic board needs to be replaced on my Iphone 6+. This is going to sound really stupid, but. I have a 5C, could I switch the logic board with the 5C and possibly have the 5C run the 6+ display? If not, that's cool it's a long shot completely.

jeffclapp - Responder

Does anybody know where the 2247-A grounding connector belongs?

Samuel King - Responder

Alguien me puede aclarar estaduda tengo una tarjeta que tiene fracturada el ( Hynix H2JTDG8UD1BMS 128 Gb (16 GB) NAND Flash) sera reparable remplazando esa pieza con otro telefono

kelvis - Responder

if the battery was kept disconnected for a long time will the iPhone data be damaged?

Dany - Responder

Is anyone familiar with the " field test" mode which displays received signal strength in dBm? If so I'm trying to determine which module in the assembly performs this function. - Responder

Can you put the insides from a iPhone 6 into a 6 plus?

David locke - Responder

Did anyone answer your question? I have been extremely curious about that because I have both phones. I've been looking everywhere but not official answer

Sare -

No, you can’t. The components may be similar-looking, but they are not compatible.

Jeff Suovanen -

Hola, he adquirido una bateria nueva en ifixit para el iphone 6 plus y queria saber si despues de haberla instalado en el telefono, hay que reiniciarlo o conectarlo a itunes?

Gracias un saludo


Emilio Manuel Arias Jimenez - Responder

where is the location for the wifi antenna FLEX cable? is it behind the motherboard like iphone 6?

nads - Responder

Nice Very great man keep doing good work I have website also please visit<a href=">best outdoor security camera system</a>

Waheed Luqman - Responder

Nice post man very great article keep doing good work I have also website and post article like that <a href=">best cheap camera for youtube</a>

Waheed Luqman - Responder

I have been using your Ifixit tutorials for ages. They are by far the most reliable when needing a guide on complicated repairs!

Warren Ganser - Responder

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