| [* black] Pretty much any switch will work here. I used a small enclosure by [http://www.budind.com/view/Plastic+Boxes/Hand-Held+Grabbers+Style+F|BUD Industries] (from [http://www.mouser.com/ProductDetail/Bud-Industries/HH-3492/?qs=blOKVJfDFpANzdK6HD6Mog%3d%3d|Mouser]) |
| [* black] I made 2 holes in some perf board for a couple of tact switches. They have a nice feel to them. |
| [* black] ~~I've ordered a prototype PCB for this enclosure from [http://batchpcb.com/index.php/Home|BatchPCB] and will make it available on their market place once I verify that it works.~~ |