Introduction |
Here at iFixit, we promote only the healthiest of lifestyles. We eat our vegetables ''at least'' once per week, and we never eat pizza on back-to-backtwo days in a row (unless it's left overleftovers, of course). We take plenty of exercise breaks where we get up and walkOne might go so far as to the break room to play video games. One could say that we arecall us health freaks, and we. We would not argue. | | To supplement our lifestyle, we picked up a Fitbit Flex. However, since we are iFixit, we could not resist tearing into the pedometer/personal trainer combo to find out how Fitbit could pack so much muscle into so small of a device. | But we ''are'' iFixit, of course we're sacrificing our fitness ambitions for science. We ripped into Fitbit's newest pedometer/heart rate monitor/sleep tracker wristband (We're hoping we won't find a mini Edward Cullen in there). What kind of a diet helped this thing fit in its tiny jacket? We're about to find out. | | Want to see pictures of all our latest meals? Follow us on [|Instagram]. PicturesFood and filters not really your thing? Get a healthy dose of iFixit on [|Twitter] and [|Facebook]. |