This tutorial is for computers running Windows only. Doing this on a Mac running Windows via BootCamp will work, but not on a Mac thru VirtualBox or any other virtual machine on a Mac.
It is possible to install Rockbox via a computer running macOS or Linux, however I have not been able to successfully do an install on either macOS or Linux. If you are brave and have time to attempt this, here’s the web site for instructions on how to do so.
WARNING: It's not recommended! Multiple people have reported it bricking their iPod
Connect your iPod in normal mode (iTunes/file transfer).
Download the Rockbox EXE file at the link below. Run the Rockbox EXE file and click OK through the dialogues.
Once you are at this screen, click "Show disabled targets" and click OK at the dialogue.
Let me know if you have problems installing Rockbox with this guide in the comments. I will try to attend to every question I see.
Let me know if you have problems installing Rockbox with this guide in the comments. I will try to attend to every question I see.
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16 comentários
Rockbox failed to install on mine. I followed every step but never got the message to press and hold select and menu for the bootloader. It said it had installed sucessfully but when it booted up I just got error -3. I put it in disc mode and deleted the software but it didn’t put it back to factory settings. Tried to install again but got the same thing except it said bootloader was already installed when I tried the last step. I’m afraid it is now bricked. :(
From my experience if you run into trouble like that youll need to detete the MBR (master boot record) then delete all partitions. Next you create a new Fat32 Partition and finally you will Format the Partition also as Fat32 all I use is AOMIE Partition Assistant and its FREE. Then Apple iTunes will detect it soon as you start your ipod and plug in to computer, will be detected as an iPod in recovery mode. From there I think you know the rest from there. I hope that helped even if a little to late for supper. Lol
Ms. Danielle Rae
I am running rockbox release 15e1f592D-170118 on my Ipod Classic 7th gen. Soundwise should I look for a newsest release
also would you know at which frequency and range works the Rockbox ‘‘bass’’ setting
Thanks a lot
I tried to install Rockbox onto my iPod Classic 160GB, and I got no results , as a matter of fact; I got negative results asuch as I am not able to restore my iPod Classic in iTunes on my Mac, and I can’t listen to any of my music on the device, even though it appears as though my music is still there. Please help 911 because this is one of my favorite Apple devices of all time!
How do i uninstall rockbox and restore my ipid?