The following guide is based on Dammit Jeff's video 'Spotify Bricked the Car Thing, So I hacekd Mine', along with the incredible work of Bishopdynamics, and with direct help from ItsRiprod on Github.
An Important Note
A more reliable, alternavive solution for loading custom firmware via the binaries has been developed by the makers of DeskThing. This process is detailed in a video on the official DeskThing Youtube channel, and is explained in the Windows Step of this guide, and only requires the windows-bundle and zadig. The caviat to this is that it currently works for Windows and Linux operating systems.
Their is also a known AMD USB issue for the 5000 series chips, as well as a few 76 and 3000 series chips. At the moment the only fix for this is to use a USB A to C cable that is connected to a USB 2.0 header. If you don't have one then it is encouraged that you use a USB hub that is USB 2.0 compatible or update your systems BIOS.
A Brief History of Car Thing
Spotify's Car Thing was a specialized device created for Spotify Premium users with older vehicles without CarPlay or Android Auto to provide easy access to their favorite music and podcasts while driving.
Originally announced in May 2019, Car Thing was ultimately discontinued in July 2022. Then in May 2024, Spotify announced that the device would stop functioning on December 9, 2024.
It was discovered that the Car Thing’s hardware could be made open to custom firmware, extending its lifespan beyond Spotify’s ecosystem. By installing this firmware, users can prolong the Car Thing’s operational life, preventing it from becoming e-waste. This guide shows how to install the firmware even after the device’s official deactivation.
Tools Needed
- python3
- libusb
- pyamlboot You will need to install it from the GitHub master branch. This is necessary because the current pypy package is outdated and lacks the
functionality. - superbird-tool
Vídeo de Apresentação
You will need to install the superbird-tool from the GitHub project page. The process will vary from OS to OS, so hyperlinks to each operating systems instructions are included below, and will take you to each step.
macOS: Tested on aarch64 and x86_64 processors, and root is not needed.
Linux: Tested on aarch64 and x86_64 processors. Root access is required.
Windows: Tested on x86_64, the process has been greatly simplified significantly.
Once the tool is installed you can run the --find_device command for your OS, and you should be able to see your Car Thing when you plug it into your computer.
Once you have the tools installed you'll need to enter Car Thing's USB mode.
Disconnect your Car Thing from your computer, and hold buttons 1 and 4 (As shown in the photo to the left). Plug in your deivce while holding the two buttons.
Wait a few seconds, and if the screen does not turn on, then you've successfully entered the Boot Mode, and can release the buttons.
On Windows, the setup process is a bit easier and a bit more reliable. First, download and install the latest Zadig tool , and grab the latest Bundled Installers from thingify, and decompress them in the same folder that you've saved Zadig to.
Launch Zadig and click on Options, List all devices, and choose GX Chip. You are then going to click Edit, and rename your device WorldCup Device with the same spelling and case.
Click the down arrow so that the text field next to the More Information box reads libusb-win32 (v1.4.0.0) and click Reinstall Driver.
Once the driver is installed, open the windows-bundle folder and click on flash.bat
On MacOS, the set up process has become significantly easier, but you will need to remove the application from quarantine.
Download the Deskthing app from the DeskThing webpage and copy the app to the Applications folder.
Once the app has been moved open the Terminal app and navigate to the Applications directory. Run the command sudo xattr -r -d and the application will launch normally.
Connect your CarThing to your Mac and your deivce should appear underneath the Clients tab
On Linux, installing pyamlboot is straightforward. However, root access is required unless you modify udev rules, which necessitates installing the pip package as root. If you have trouble with ADB finding your device in Step 6, you will likely need to add a udev rule. Subsequently, execute the following command:
sudo python3 -m pip install git+ sudo ./ --find_device
Once plugged in enter the command, 'sudo ./ --burn_mode''
Obtain proper image dumps from: and extract the data to a known folder
Run sudo ./ --restore_device /path/to/extracted/firmware/folder (This may take a while)
The UART Console output should have an output ending with DRAM: 512 MiB; Relocation Offset is: 16e42000; InUsbBurn; [MSG]sof; Set Addr 11; Get DT cfg; Get DT cfg; set CFG
This step may say it fails to enter burn mode. This is okay, continue on as if it worked.
Once you have the superbird toolkit installed, you'll need to get the DeskThing installer. Once you've installed the appropriate installer you will run the following command...
Once the installer is running, you should be able to see your device under the Client tab. If not, try using a different USB port on your computer, and check device manager if the ADB Interface and NDIS Interfaces both exist. (If they don't exist then try a different port, or use a powered USB hub. Or update your systems BIOS)
Go to the Downloads Page then Client download the latest version. Once downloaded head to the Clients tab and click Configure. Your Car Thing should restart.
Congratulations! You have sucessfully installed custom firmware onto your Car Thing, and by extension have liberated your device from becoming E-Waste.
You can install additional Apps onto your new DeskThing by going to Apps and then Webapps and download any avalable apps. Make sure to check the dependencies before proceeding, as this could lead to errors.
Additional Information
Congratulations! You have sucessfully installed custom firmware onto your Car Thing, and by extension have liberated your device from becoming E-Waste.
You can install additional Apps onto your new DeskThing by going to Apps and then Webapps and download any avalable apps. Make sure to check the dependencies before proceeding, as this could lead to errors.
Additional Information
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3 comentários
Had to try several times and switch the to a newer USB-C cable/port but it's flashing now....thank you!!
Thank you, this worked out great for me, I do have an AMD 5900 and current drivers, I had to flash it twice before it fully worked the tutorial was great!