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The Ridgid Pressure Washer Model RD80702 is a power tool, that produces 3300 PSI and 3GPM (Gallons Per Minute). The Ridgid Pressure Washer RD80702 is used for removing dirt and mold from decks, patios, around cement areas, and the exterior of houses, washing and cleaning vehicles, outdoor furniture, and grills.
Two notable features of this device are the EFI (Electronic Fuel Injection), since this allows the Ridgid Pressure Washer to run more efficiently. The second feature is regarding the reach of its Dual Power Soap Nozzle, reaching up to 30ft, that can reach far areas and short distances. The intended user group for this power tool are homeowners and renovators/house flippers that find this pressure washer to be effective and efficient when cleaning around their property or others.
Some common problems regarding this device include the pressure washer leaking water, and another in which the pressure washer doesn’t have any pressure or isn’t producing any pressure, the causes and solutions have been provided on this device page and can be accessed by clicking on this link.
This model of the Ridgid Pressure Washer has been discontinued, but similar models with the same features and parts include the RD80706, and the RD80905.
To correctly identify the pressure washer, be sure to look for the model number in these 3 areas: the lower frame near the wheels, the back of the lower frame, or on the top or back of the upper frame. Check out this video if you can’t find it still. Be sure to not confuse the model number with the engine model number as these are two separate components and numbers. Another way to check for the model number is by looking at the first page of the operator’s manual that came with the pressure washer, you can also use the manual to ensure that the same model number is listed on the pressure washer as well.
Some physical characteristics to identify the pressure washer are...
- The black and orange color scheme
- Assembled Height: 22 Inches
- Assembled Width: 21 Inches
- Assembled Weight: 105lb (pounds)
- Assembled Depth: 26 Inches
Sources: How to find Model Number on Pressure Washer
Technical Specifications
- Assembled Depth (in inches): 26
- Assembled Height (in inches): 22
- Assembled Weight (in lbs): 105
- Assembled Width (in inches): 21
- Packaged Depth (in inches): 26
- Packaged Height (in inches): 22
- Packaged Weight (In lbs): 105
- Packaged Width (in inches) :21
- Engine CC: 211cc
- Engine Type: EX21 Subaru
- Horsepower: 7 hp
- Fuel Type: Unleaded Gasoline
- Fuel Tank Capacity: 0.95 Gallons
- Maximum Pressure (PSI): 3300 PSI
- Maximum Gallons per Minute: 3.0 GPM
- Maximum Inlet Water Temperature: 104°F
Pump and Hose
- Pump Type: Triplex
- Hose Length: 30 ft
Sources: Ridgid Pressure Washer Features, Home Depot Page Specs.
Additional Information
- Operator’s Manual for Ridgid Pressure Washer RD80702 – This is the official operator’s manual for the Ridgid Pressure Washer Model number 80702. The operator’s manual contains information on Important Safety Instructions, Specific Safety Rules, Symbols ,Assembly, Operation,Maintenance, Troubleshooting, Parts Ordering and Service for the Ridgid Pressure Washer. As well as Warranty information regarding the device.
- Home Depot Product Page for the Ridgid Pressure Washer – This page from the Home Depot website can provide features/specifications of the pressure washer. As well as customer reviews and even questions that were answered by the Ridgid customer service team.
- Repair Clinic Page for the Ridgid Pressure Washer RD80702 – This link leads you to the page of Repair Clinic which provides you the options to buy parts for the pressure washer, find common issues with the tool and solutions (videos) to help you solve the issue step-by-step, and a 24/7 customer service team to help answer any questions you might have.