PBB-272C Powered Proto Bread Board Use
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If you are into experimenting with electronics, an electronics student or hobbyist, or anyone trying to learn microcontrollers, you have probably heard about solderless breadboard. You plug your components in, add hook up wires, power up and you can test your circuit. As your circuits grow in complexity, you find that batteries won’t always do what you need, and many of the power supplies available only give a single voltage out at a time. Many modern chip and analog components need both positive & negative voltages at the same time while you have many other components needing +5VDC as well.
The PBB-272C Powered Proto Bread Board gives you a large area for building circuits. It also gives you a built in +5VDC power supply along with both positive & negative 0-15VDC power supplies that can be controlled independently. The units built in voltage and current displays allow you to see exactly what voltage you have set as well as how much current your circuit is using.
Power Supply Specs.
+5VDC 1A
+0-15VDC 500ma
-0-15VDC 500ma
Breadboard tie points 2390