Hard Drive
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Mac Classic II Harddrive replacement |
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It won't power on and it looks like something it's shorting out. |
Estas são algumas ferramentas comuns usadas para executar trabalhos neste dispositivo. Talvez você não precise usar todas elas em cada procedimento.
Technical Specifications
Manufacturer: Apple Computer, Inc.
Release date: October 21st, 1991
Introductory price: US$1900
Discontinued: October 18th, 1993
Operating system:
- Mac OS 7.6.1
CPU: Motorola 68030 microprocessor @16 MHz
Memory: 2 MB, expandable to 10 MB (120 ns or faster SIMMs)
Display: 9 inches (23 cm) monochrome, 512 × 342
Floppy Drive
Internal 1.4 MB floppy drive
Optional external 800K or 1.4 MB floppy drive
Hard Drive
Internal 40 MB or 80 MB hard drive; optional external SCSI drive
Additional Information
Link to Wikipedia
Classic II Information Pages
Here are specs from EveryMac Macintosh Classic II Specs