Broken End of a Toe Post of a Flip Flop
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Background and Identification
Flip flops became popular in the United States after World War II, when soldiers brought them back from Japan. It's the most casual of all footwear, typically reserved for warm weather, and when worn correctly, it pairs well with shorts and summer dresses.
Flip flops are simply made, with a slim sole and straps that run in a Y shape to secure the sole to the foot. Flip flops are usually made of rubber, foam, plastic, leather, and fabric. Over the years, there have been many revisions and improvements to the flip flop, including an add-on strap that goes behind the heel to keep the flip flop in place and ergonomic flip flops that cater to wide feet, arches, flat feet, and plantar fasciitis. There are plain plastic flip flops and flip flops with cushion soles and fabric straps.
Typically, flip flops can be bought for as low as $1.00 up to $100.00 and more, but it's the flip flop's simplicity and affordability that makes it popular. The simplicity in the construction of the flip flop also makes it easy to repair and maintain.
Technical Specifications
- Plastic or fabric strap
- Insole
- Midsole
- Sole