Why won't my voicemail icon/notification clear from my phone?
No current voicemails on my phone and icon/notification for new voicemail is stuck on my phone. LG Aristo has no phone app to clear data??
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No current voicemails on my phone and icon/notification for new voicemail is stuck on my phone. LG Aristo has no phone app to clear data??
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This normally can be cleared by actually leaving yourself with another voicemail. Then delete it, and the icon should go away.
Alternatively, see on the appstore and see if your provider made a "visual voicemail" app. I find vv way better than the old fashioned one.
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No,this doesn't work...I tried this...and I even had someone purposely leave me a new voicemail so I could erase it and see if that'd clear the icon/notification and that didn't work either...
OK, no problem try this:
Go to settings --> application manager --> slide top bar to all --> go to phone --> tap clear data
See if this solves it.
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