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A versão slim do clássico Xbox 360 com disco rígido de 250 GB e Wi-Fi integrado. O reparo requer ferramentas complexas de alavanca e ferramentas especiais.

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Won't turn on, but makes a beeping sound.

My Xbox 360 S wont turn on, but it makes a beep when I touch the power button and eject button. The power supply light is a solid Orange, and the USB ports look good. (nothing touching metal-saw this was a issue on youtube). I've done everything that Microsoft said to do, like unplug everything, change outlets and still nothing.

This is what happened:

I turned it on, everything was fine. there was a update, so I did the update. It loaded fine. i was at my home screen and the wife wanted to watch a movie so I went to "my video/movie". it just kept on loading and wouldnt load. So I turned the xbox off, and went to turn it back on and it wouldn't work.

HELP PLEASE. My warranty expired 5 months luck!

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I have this problem too but I spent about $200 on it for downloaded games


I have had the same problem. buying a new ROL/rf module on eBay and it worked two times i was excited and then it stopped working. so i know it does have to do something with that piece but there must be a short somewhere. i can't see anything else that would make it short out. none of the USB prongs are messed up. I've checked everything that youtube and the internet have suggested. The part i bought was used for about 5 dollars. they have one new that i saw for around 15 but it ships from china and takes up to a month to arrive. not sure if its worth spending another 15 dollars when i could put that towards a new machine.


i have this same issue i dont know what to do in order to fix it


I had the same problem take out the hard drive and blow inside to get out some dust. Then place it back in, works like a charm for me. If it doesn't work for you then go into the settings and uninstall that update.


I have this same issue like word for word except I believe the power brick is red.

What I don't understand is I took my son's power brick which works on his elite Xbox and I get same result when hitting power button.

I do not have a hard drive only onboard 4GB storage.


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Check the power ribbon. I repair these all the time and most of the time I have found bugs have been in there and left feces behind on the power ribbon which eats into the plastic. Yes bugs fecal matter does eat into the power ribbon and I have replaced or cleaned 50 or so that had this problem. I even found a spider leg shorting out one of the bare ends where it plugged into the RF board. Inspect the cable and Clean both sides well and put it back in, sometimes works. Other problems include USB, the RF board and as stated the hard drive. I have only seen one that had a blown resistor on the board out of 50 or 60 I have repaired. It's almost always something simple. Thomas; You can get the power ribbon for $4.50 on eBay, its always worth a try since it worked when you replaced the RF module it stands to reason it's something to do with the power ribbon connection. Not the power supply, not the RF since you changed it, not the common USB short, all that's left is power ribbon or MOBO (and as I said that is a one in 50 chance).

I really hope this helps.

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What is the location of the resistor that is blown if that happens to be the problem? I have a seldom used Slim model that just quit working all together. No response at all to anything. No beeps...nothing. I did put another in its place without changing anything so I know it's the console itself. I do hear a noise if I put my ear to the top, as if something is initializing but not completely. Or it may be a spinning fan. It's the red Gears model, so I'd like to fix it, but not pay Microsoft if I can fix it myself. Any troubleshooting tips you can pass along are greatly appreciated. I will check everything you posted above, but my console is on a high shelf and my house is rather clean. But you just never know!


This one is selected as the solution but it suggests more than 1 solutions which one was it that really solved the original problem? Power ribbon / RF / USB / MoBo / Power supply ?


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I don't think the problem is with the RF module like Wade suggests. From what I can tell it's either a short in one of the USB drives, or the power brick is fried. You can find tutorials on how to fix a USB drive short on YouTube. Before buying a new power brick, I recommend plugging it into different outlets or borrowing one from a friend to test it out. Late answer, but hope this helps.

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if the power brick was fried it wouldnt make noise


A short in a USB port would require soldering off the bad one and a new soldered on. Too much trouble for me.


I'm using my power brick, so I know it's not that.

A short in the USB ports sometimes is the a metal prong touching the metal case, which is also not the issue with the one I had.


My system still pinged (beeped) until I realized it was disconnected from the mains power - I always unplug the xbox from the (so call) power brick. Read my post...


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mine was doing da same till and yesterday i decided to open clean it. after that i didnt connect da front panel and to my surprise no beeping sound. it worked like a charm

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Has anyone figured out what was actually preventing it from coming on? I have the same problem. Checked all USB ports they are fine and still have the beeping just will not come on


I have borrowed a new power supply and it does the same thing. Orange light on brick.


I know this sounds kinds dumb, but I just bought a new xbox at gamestop, there only like $50


I agree Kevin, my Xbox takes way to long to load then it black screens :( it worked fine yesterday. All I want to play is Skyrim ;-;


I had the same problem. Held the power button on the xbox fir 10 seconds and the tried to turn it on. It worked. Not sure if this is the same issue as yours.


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I had the same problem with my daughter's Xbox. They had bent some of the pins on the usb port on the front. Where the pin had bent it had touched the metal casing. I simply bent the pins up and away from the casing. Once done and plugged back in it worked perfectly.

Hope this helps some one!!

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This website helped me a lot. From last few months my xbox lying down due to same issue of hearing beep sound on power/cd button press but not turning on. Today noticed and explore all the pins internally and noticed one of the USB port broken year back had some loose pins. After removing broken pins using tweezers its back.


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After reading all the comments on here and opening up the power brick. I couldn't find the cause of the problem until I looked at the power lead that goes into the xbox and one of the pins was bent over. I straightened it out with a small screwdriver and yeaaa back on.

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Thomas, I have one in for repair right now that is doing the same thing. I think I narrowed it down to the RF module. They are around $15 on ebay. Worth a shot.

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Did replacing the rd module fix your problem?


no it didn't


Like when I press my power on button my xbox comes on but my power on lights don't and I can't connect my controller back to my xbox so therefore I can't use my xbox


Hello my x box 360 slim keeps turning off every 9 seconds I keep trying to turn it back on but it turns off at 9 seconds and now it's turning off after I turn it on it turns off when it makes the beep sound what do I do?


Had the same problem as you except mine was 1 second on before it shut off. After I borrowed my friends xbox adapter, it worked. So I went to best buy and bought a new plug in adapter


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It is a very concerning problem issue when you first hear this pinging (Beeping) sound coming from your xbox. I first heard the sound yesterday, and although I didn't like the sound of it -- not the sound itself, but the fact that it was making a sound when it shouldn't be.

Anyway, from then to now. Again, I plugged my xbox in for a bit of time travel and after a while it makes the pinging (Beeping) sound again. I didn't think too much of it this time... until, that is, I unplugged it for the night: and that was that, I thought?

I Unplugged it!

Being unplugged it couldn't possible be the xbox, so I looked at the power supply only to see an orange light where a green light should have been - so it's a power supply issue, after all, so some one already mentioned up above in this here forum. But at the time of reading that information I didn't really know if that was the issue or within the actual xbox itself...

Unplug your xbox machine from the actual power supply itself (the brick as it has been called), but leave the power supply (the brick) connected to the mains outlet to conclude this information for yourself. I would recommend being very careful if a red light shows on you power supply rather than the green light it should be. Good luck!

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An orange light is normal, that means your Xbox is in standby mode (off, but connected to power) I have had this same issue a few times. It seems that the only fix is to unplug each part of the power supply, leave it alone for about an hour, then plug everything back in and give it a go. This usually works for me.


My power brick is orange but my Xbox 360 slim won't turn on I've un plugged left it alone for a while and still won't turn on also when I plug it back in my power brick makes noise


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I just blew on it and it worked

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Mine does this when I move my xbox, if you have something hooked into the side USB port, unplug it and turn it on.

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  1. Wait 10 seconds. Important Be sure to wait 10 seconds. ...
  2. Firmly plug the power cable back into the electrical outlet and the power supply. Do not plug the power unit into the console yet.
  3. Check the light on the power supply.
  4. Check the light on the power supply.
  5. Is the LED on your power supply unit on, off, or blinking?



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Mine is doing this too, when i plug it in the power LED’s flash and it’ll chime when i press the panel. I’ve tried everything and i just wanna know whats wrong. Any ideas to pinpoint this one?

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I had this same problem after a power outage. I unplugged the Xbox from the wall and waited for the orange light to fade out. I disconnected all of the cables (including the Xbox connect) from the Xbox except the power cable. Once that was done I plugged the power brick back in and powered up the Xbox by touching the "x" button. It came on at full power and I plugged all of the cables back in.

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I had a faulty usb wire from those skylander sets, reccommend to unplug ever thing from the xbox to include all remotes and then unplug power from the wall, then hit the power button until it quits beeping this will power your xbox down all the way , then plug back into the wall and your xbox should come on

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Maybe because you watched a movie.Your Xbox 360 update got cancelled and also the previous software is gone with it so now the xbox doesn't have any software to start with. I had the same problem.

I recommend you to visit microsoft centre for this problem.

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Had this issue found i had a bent pin on the cord that connects to the console easy fix phew thank god

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You have to blow in the air filter and press the On button often as you can. When you do this 3-8 times it works

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I had this problem as well. I tried all the power supply tricks and nothing. Believe it or not how I fixed it was silly. Very quickly after hitting the power button manually, hit the eject button a few times. That's all it took.

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On further inspection I had noticed that one of the prongs in the plug part that's connected to the power socket was a little bent I straightened them and wahhlllaaaahhh fixed. I hope this helps someone

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I really hope U understand my instructions lol sorry


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Hold the power button down for about 30 seconds - It will reset the xbox for the display.

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Check USB port on front. Mine did the same thing and looking at this post fixed it. I had 2 prongs bent down and touching some metal grounding it. Flashlight and a knife. Done deal

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Have a close look at the power cordin the backnof console mine W a tiny bit bent (but was still able to plug in and turn on) I straightened it up and it's been working perfectly ever since

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I unplugged EVERYTHING from the Xbox 360. Power, internet, all usb peripherals. Then plugged in ONLY power: Xbox came on like it should. I then went on adding 1 thing at a time to test each thing: powering the Xbox off, plugging in new item, powering it on, until everything worked fine. It is working like it was before.

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