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Postagem original de: ronnie


*Make sure the Print Spooler service is running ...

1.GO to Start then run and type services. msc and then click OK.

2.Scroll down and find Printer Spooler service under the Name column

3 Right click on Printer Spooler and select Properties. From dropdown menu choose automatic for Startup type. Check Service status, if service is stopped click on Start and than OK button, but if service is started first stop it with Stop button than click on Start and OK.

*Also..check for dependencies... while in the Print Spooler service properties..

1.Click the Dependencies tab. The first box lists all of the system services that must be running for Print Spooler to start. These are the dependencies.

2.Make a note of each service, click OK

3. Now go through the list and start each service upon which Print Spooler is dependent( if the service is not already started). If a service was not started, right-click it, click Properties and then confirm that the Startup type is Automatic.

