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Postagem original de: Mohamad Amin


Panic-Full-restart randomly


***Hello, i have an iphone 7 plus that restart randomly here is the panic log i write below,i already did these solution:***

***''-Changing the charging flex''***

***''-Changing the power flex''***

***''-Changing the battery flex''***

***but nothing solved.any idea?***

panic(cpu 1 caller 0xfffffff024e77f58): userspace watchdog timeout: no successful checkins from logd in 180 seconds

service returned not alive with context : unresponsive dispatch queue(s):,

service: backboardd, total successful checkins since load (7830 seconds ago): 784, last successful checkin: 0 seconds ago

service: SpringBoard, total successful checkins since load (7827 seconds ago): 783, last successful checkin: 0 seconds ago

service: mediaserverd, total successful checkins since load (7830 seconds ago): 783, last successful checkin: 0 seconds ago

service: logd, total successful checkins since load (7830 seconds ago): 766, last successful checkin: 180 seconds ago

service: thermalmonitord, total successful checkins since load (7830 seconds ago): 783, last successful checkin: 0 seconds ago

service: runningboardd, total successful checkins since load (7830 seconds ago): 784, last successful checkin: 0 seconds ago

service: wifid, total successful checkins since load (7830 seconds ago): 784, last successful checkin: 0 s

Debugger message: panic

Memory ID: 0x6

OS release type: User

OS version: 19H370

Kernel version: Darwin Kernel Version 21.6.0: Sun Oct 15 00:18:06 PDT 2023; root:xnu-8020.241.42~8/RELEASE_ARM64_T8010

KernelCache UUID: CD36CE0B0356F65AFE5A8841F99CA9D2

Kernel UUID: D986A786-4953-350E-97CF-C0FCFF85FFCF

iBoot version: iBoot-7459.140.15

secure boot?: YES

Paniclog version: 13

Kernel slide:      0x000000001e20c000

Kernel text base:  0xfffffff025210000

mach_absolute_time: 0x2bedb1138e

Epoch Time:        sec       usec

Boot    : 0x656693fb 0x000bf959

Sleep   : 0x00000000 0x00000000

Wake    : 0x00000000 0x00000000

Calendar: 0x6566b2a1 0x000b3cc7

Zone info:

Zone map: 0xffffffe000404000 - 0xffffffe600404000

. VM    : 0xffffffe000404000 - 0xffffffe0e6a68000

. RO    : 0xffffffe0e6a68000 - 0xffffffe133734000

. GEN0  : 0xffffffe133734000 - 0xffffffe219d98000

. GEN1  : 0xffffffe219d98000 - 0xffffffe3003fc000

. GEN2  : 0xffffffe3003fc000 - 0xffffffe3e6a64000

. GEN3  : 0xffffffe3e6a64000 - 0xffffffe4cd0cc000

. DATA  : 0xffffffe4cd0cc000 - 0xffffffe600404000

Metadata: 0xffffffe797050000 - 0xffffffe798850000

Bitmaps : 0xffffffe798850000 - 0xffffffe799954000

CORE 0: PC=0xfffffff0258ebab4, LR=0xfffffff025977c10, FP=0xffffffe790c8a7f0

CORE 1 is the one that panicked. Check the full backtrace for details.

Compressor Info: 25% of compressed pages limit (OK) and 9% of segments limit (OK) with 0 swapfiles and OK swap space

Total cpu_usage: 59535582

Thread task pri cpu_usage

0xffffffe4cc5d4e10 watchdogd 97 0

0xffffffe4cc2cf138 deleted_helper 46 1658018

0xffffffe4cc66e328 mediaserverd 37 0

0xffffffe4cc220708 wifid 37 185

0xffffffe4cc378000 mediaserverd 37 3033

Panicked task 0xffffffe3e617b888: 216 pages, 4 threads: pid 57: watchdogd

Panicked thread: 0xffffffe4cc5d4e10, backtrace: 0xffffffe790d4b200, tid: 1453

lr: 0xfffffff0253d1ea0  fp: 0xffffffe790d4b240

lr: 0xfffffff0253d1c28  fp: 0xffffffe790d4b2b0

lr: 0xfffffff0254f1324  fp: 0xffffffe790d4b320

lr: 0xfffffff0254f02c8  fp: 0xffffffe790d4b3d0

lr: 0xfffffff0253955fc  fp: 0xffffffe790d4b3e0

lr: 0xfffffff0253d1944  fp: 0xffffffe790d4b770

lr: 0xfffffff0253d1944  fp: 0xffffffe790d4b7d0

lr: 0xfffffff025a13000  fp: 0xffffffe790d4b7f0

lr: 0xfffffff024e77f58  fp: 0xffffffe790d4b810

lr: 0xfffffff024e7791c  fp: 0xffffffe790d4b830

lr: 0xfffffff024e76cac  fp: 0xffffffe790d4b950

lr: 0xfffffff0259a975c  fp: 0xffffffe790d4baf0

lr: 0xfffffff0254bee40  fp: 0xffffffe790d4bc10

lr: 0xfffffff0253d7528  fp: 0xffffffe790d4bca0

lr: 0xfffffff0253b0444  fp: 0xffffffe790d4bd00

lr: 0xfffffff0253c5cd8  fp: 0xffffffe790d4bd90

lr: 0xfffffff0254e6854  fp: 0xffffffe790d4be60

lr: 0xfffffff0254f0760  fp: 0xffffffe790d4bf10

lr: 0xfffffff0253955fc  fp: 0xffffffe790d4bf20


iPhone 7 Plus

