So my controller fell off my desk with my headphones still plugged in. (no I did not rage brake it) It bent my headphones and ripped part of the jack off of the motherboard. Is there any way of fixing this without replacing the motherboard? And if not where can I get a new motherboard?
=== Update (06/23/23) ===
Thank you all your help! After checking again it did rip pads completely off the board. So at this point I'm going to wait until I get the new soldering station and hot air station I just ordered to fix this. (I was waiting for an excuse to finally spend the money) once they come in I plan on following the traces to a point that I can solder a wire in to complete the circuit. Thanks again this is probably one of the most helpful and honest communities that I know of.
So my controller fell off my desk with my headphones still plugged in. (no I did not rage brake it) It bent my headphones and ripped part of the jack off of the motherboard. Is there any way of fixing this without replacing the motherboard? And if not where can I get a new motherboard?
So my controller fell off my desk with my headphones still plugged in. (no I did not rage brake it) It bent my headphones and ripped part of the jack off of the motherboard. Is there any way of fixing this without replacing the motherboard? And if not where can I get a new motherboard?
So my controller fell off my desk with my headphones still plugged in. (no I did not rage brake it) It bent my headphones and ripped part of the jack off of the motherboard. Is there any way of fixing this without replacing the motherboard? And if not where can I get a new motherboard?
So my controller fell off my desk with my headphones still plugged in. (no I did not rage brake it) It bent my headphones and ripped part of the jack off of the motherboard. Is there any way of fixing this without replacing the motherboard? And if not where can I get a new motherboard?