remove all 8 screws and remove triggers clean with 70% isopropyl on a q-tip to clean and then put back also the design has a problem with it so if the screws are too tight the triggers will well trigger, then it should work no need to solder man it's an input on a hardware not the hardware itself mistily
=== Update (06/01/2022) ===
if u need anything else plz don't hesitate to ask we are here to help
remove all 8 screws and remove triggers clean with 70% isopropyl on a q-tip to clean and then put back also the design has a problem with it so if the screws are too tight the triggers will well trigger, then it should work no need to solder man it's an input on a hardware not the hardware itself mistily
=== Update (06/01/2022) ===
if u need anything else plz don't hesitate to ask we are here to help
remove all 8 screws and remove triggers clean with 70% isopropyl on a q-tip to clean and then put back also the design has a problem with it so if the screws are too tight the triggers will well trigger, then it should work no need to solder man it's an input on a hardware not the hardware itself mistily