Referring to your question at the end it is very easy with your computer to remove the hard drive and put it in a external drive to transfer files. I'm including the URL for the hard drive removal process. Ralph
Referring to your question at the end it is very easy with your computer to remove the hard drive and put it in a external drive to transfer files. I'm including the URL for the hard drive removal process. Ralph
Referring to your question at the end it is very easy with your computer to remove the hard drive and put it in a external drive to transfer files. Ralph
Referring to your question at the end it is very easy with your computer to remove the hard drive and put it in a external drive to transfer files. I'm including the URL for the hard drive removal process. Ralph
Referring to your question at the end it is very easy with your computer to remove the hard drive and put it in a external drive to transfer files. Ralph