My JBL speaker sometimes makes noises when the speaker is on but nothing being played on it. So I remembered a device I bought for my car when I was playing audiobooks thru the speaker system using a plug in the glove box. It is called a Pyle ‘Ground Loop Isolator’ and when I plugged it into the speaker input, then plugged the computer into it, there was no more noise. Got it on Amazon and it now costs $12.79.
My JBL speaker sometimes made noises when the speaker was powered on, but with nothing being played. So I remembered a device I bought for my car when I was playing audiobooks thru the speaker system using a plug in the glove box. It is called a ‘Ground Loop Isolator’ (mine is made by Pyle) and when I plugged it into the JBL speaker input, then plugged the device into the computer, the noise disappeared. Got it on Amazon and it now costs $12.79 (October 2020).
My JBL speaker sometimes makes noises when the speaker is on but nothing being played on it. So I remembered a device I bought for my car when I was playing audiobooks thru the speaker system using a plug in the glove box. It is called a Pyle ‘Ground Loop Isolator’ and when I plugged it into the speaker input, then plugged the computer into it, there was no more noise. Got it on Amazon and it now costs $12.79.