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Versão atual de: mohammed Eidhah


loud sound from the fan


Hello everyone,
There is loud sound from the fan I don't know from what, and what I have to change.
Explanation: in the normal Mac laptops when you use browser there is no loud sound but if you open big app like photoshop etc. you will hear the loud sound till you close this app. But in my laptop I hear this sound from the fan even when I open just the browser and when I close the browser I still hear it.
Please can you help me I need you to suggest if I have to change the fan? or to change another thing?
'''And I’ve already changed my battery'''
Please find attached video
Requested by @Dan :
Screen Shot (at the morning when i start my laptop) at 10.37.56 AM
Screen Shot (when i start browsing US Today before loud sound) at 10.45.16 AM
Screen Shot (with the loud sound) at 11.03.29 AM
So i think the problem from the fan because its more than 6500, i am waiting for you.
Hello beautiful @Dan, this is reply for your ('''Update (03/14/2020)''')
i restart my laptop then i press D (long press) so the system moved me to here:
after that he showed me WiFis available, but me WiFi not there i don’t know why and i restarted my laptop again but still the problem, so i write it by myself :
finally after i connected my WiFi the system showed me this error (and this error i think you looking for):
Thank you in advance Mr. @Dan


MacBook Air 11" Mid 2012



Resposta aceita:


Editado por: mohammed Eidhah


loud sound from the fan


Hello everyone,
There is loud sound from the fan I don't know from what, and what I have to change.
Explanation: in the normal Mac laptops when you use browser there is no loud sound but if you open big app like photoshop etc. you will hear the loud sound till you close this app. But in my laptop I hear this sound from the fan even when I open just the browser and when I close the browser I still hear it.
Please can you help me I need you to suggest if I have to change the fan? or to change another thing?
'''And I’ve already changed my battery'''
Please find attached video
Requested by @Dan :
Screen Shot (at the morning when i start my laptop) at 10.37.56 AM
Screen Shot (when i start browsing US Today before loud sound) at 10.45.16 AM
Screen Shot (with the loud sound) at 11.03.29 AM
So i think the problem from the fan because its more than 6500, i am waiting for you.
+Hello beautiful @Dan, this is reply for your ('''Update (03/14/2020)''')
+i restart my laptop then i press D (long press) so the system moved me to here:
+after that he showed me WiFis available, but me WiFi not there i don’t know why and i restarted my laptop again but still the problem, so i write it by myself :
+finally after i connected my WiFi the system showed me this error (and this error i think you looking for):
+Thank you in advance Mr. @Dan


MacBook Air 11" Mid 2012



Editado por: mohammed Eidhah


loud sound from the fan


Hello everyone,
There is loud sound from the fan I don't know from what, and what I have to change.
Explanation: in the normal Mac laptops when you use browser there is no loud sound but if you open big app like photoshop etc. you will hear the loud sound till you close this app. But in my laptop I hear this sound from the fan even when I open just the browser and when I close the browser I still hear it.
Please can you help me I need you to suggest if I have to change the fan? or to change another thing?
'''And I’ve already changed my battery'''
Please find attached video
Requested by @Dan :
Screen Shot (at the morning when i start my laptop) at 10.37.56 AM
Screen Shot (when i start browsing US Today before loud sound) at 10.45.16 AM
Screen Shot (with the loud sound) at 11.03.29 AM
+So i think the problem from the fan because its more than 6500, i am waiting for you.


MacBook Air 11" Mid 2012



Editado por: mohammed Eidhah


loud sound from the fan


Hello everyone,
There is loud sound from the fan I don't know from what, and what I have to change.
Explanation: in the normal Mac laptops when you use browser there is no loud sound but if you open big app like photoshop etc. you will hear the loud sound till you close this app. But in my laptop I hear this sound from the fan even when I open just the browser and when I close the browser I still hear it.
Please can you help me I need you to suggest if I have to change the fan? or to change another thing?
'''And I’ve already changed my battery'''
Please find attached video
+Requested by @Dan :
+Screen Shot (at the morning when i start my laptop) at 10.37.56 AM
+Screen Shot (when i start browsing US Today before loud sound) at 10.45.16 AM
+Screen Shot (with the loud sound) at 11.03.29 AM


MacBook Air 11" Mid 2012



Editado por: Dan


loud sound from the fan


-Hello everyone
+Hello everyone,
-There is loud sound from the fan i don't know from what , and what i have to change[br]
+There is loud sound from the fan I don't know from what, and what I have to change.
+Explanation: in the normal Mac laptops when you use browser there is no loud sound but if you open big app like photoshop etc. you will hear the loud sound till you close this app. But in my laptop I hear this sound from the fan even when I open just the browser and when I close the browser I still hear it.
+Please can you help me I need you to suggest if I have to change the fan? or to change another thing?
+'''And I’ve already changed my battery'''
-explanation: in the normal mac laptops when you use browser there is no loud sound but if you open big app like photoshop etc. you will hear the loud sound till you close this app, but in my laptop i hear this sound from the fan even when i open just the browser and when i close the browser i still hear it ,[br]
-please can you help me i need you to suggest if i have to change the fan ? or to change another thing?
-'''And i am already changed mybattery'''
-please find attached video
+Please find attached video


MacBook Air 11" Mid 2012



Editado por: mohammed Eidhah


loud sound from the fan


Hello everyone
There is loud sound from the fan i don't know from what , and what i have to change[br]
explanation: in the normal mac laptops when you use browser there is no loud sound but if you open big app like photoshop etc. you will hear the loud sound till you close this app, but in my laptop i hear this sound from the fan even when i open just the browser and when i close the browser i still hear it ,[br]
-please can you help me i need you to suggest if i have to change the fan ([guide|12342])
-or to change another thing? ([[Topic:MacBook Air 11" Mid 2012]])[br]
+please can you help me i need you to suggest if i have to change the fan ? or to change another thing?
'''And i am already changed mybattery'''
+please find attached video


MacBook Air 11" Mid 2012



Editado por: mohammed Eidhah


loud sound from the fan


Hello everyone
There is loud sound from the fan i don't know from what , and what i have to change[br]
explanation: in the normal mac laptops when you use browser there is no loud sound but if you open big app like photoshop etc. you will hear the loud sound till you close this app, but in my laptop i hear this sound from the fan even when i open just the browser and when i close the browser i still hear it ,[br]
please can you help me i need you to suggest if i have to change the fan ([guide|12342])
or to change another thing? ([[Topic:MacBook Air 11" Mid 2012]])[br]
-'''And i am already changed my battery'''
+'''And i am already changed mybattery'''


MacBook Air 11" Mid 2012



Postagem original de: mohammed Eidhah


loud sound from the fan


Hello everyone

There is loud sound from the fan i don't know from what , and what i have to change[br]


explanation: in the normal mac laptops when you use browser there is no loud sound but if you open big app like photoshop etc. you will hear the loud sound till you close this app, but in my laptop i hear this sound from the fan even when i open just the browser and when i close the browser i still hear it ,[br]


please can you help me i need you to suggest if i have to change the fan ([guide|12342])

or to change another thing? ([[Topic:MacBook Air 11" Mid 2012]])[br]


'''And i am already changed my battery''' 


MacBook Air 11" Mid 2012

