@g_tech not sure if you are even still following this. I originally had the suspicion that this battery was/is a scam like so many before them. I decided to test the battery in question under similar conditions as I did with the “Gold” high capacity batteries. Those were definitely a scam! This time it’s a bit different. First off we are dealing with a known well reputable company like Injured Gadget. Like our discussions in comments etc. shows there are no prejudices and the objective was to run a true test of the batteries. This is done in an honest, ethical and objective way. All batteries have been tested in the same manner with identical equipment. A guide is of course forthcoming but it’ll have to wait a few days.
@g_tech not sure if you are even still following this. I originally had the suspicion that this battery was/is a scam like so many before them. I decided to test the battery in question under similar conditions as I did with the “Gold” high capacity batteries. Those were definitely a scam! This time it’s a bit different. First off we are dealing with a known well reputable company like Injured Gadgets. Like our discussions in comments etc. show there are no prejudices and the objective was to run a true test of the batteries. This is done in an honest, ethical and objective way. All batteries have been tested in the same manner with identical equipment. A guide is of course forthcoming but it’ll have to wait a few days.
For this test I soldered a 7P battery connector to a spare prototype board and connected some wires to the positive and negative terminal. The batteries were all charged using a “Fast Charging Activation Test Fixture” by Jageud. For the test itself I used an EBD-M03 tester made by ZKETech.
Test parameter for this constant current discharge test was set at 500mA and cutoff voltage was set at 2.9Volts (this value was picked since I found that the voltage should be somewhere between 2.9 and 2.6Volts). Here are the graphic representations of the results
So, what does this all mean? Really, all it shows is that none of the batteries are duds. They are all reliable and lasting batteries. As for the rest, I let you be the judge of it. Price, service and warranty would be important to me to make a purchasing decision.
This is not to endorse or condemn any seller. I am currently waiting on different battery analyzers and software to repeat this test and I will continue to keep you informed.
@g_tech not sure if you are even still following this. I originally had the suspicion hat this battery was/is a scam like so many before them. So I decide to test the battery in question under similar conditions as I did with the “Gold” high capacity batteries. Those were definitely a scam. This time it’s a bit different. First off we are dealing with a known well reputable company like Injured Gadget. Like our discussions in comments etc. shows there are no prejudices and the objective was to run a true test of the batteries. This is done in an honest, ethical and objective way. All batteries have been tested in the same manner with identical equipment. A guide is of course forthcoming but it’ll have to wait a few days.
@g_tech not sure if you are even still following this. I originally had the suspicion that this battery was/is a scam like so many before them. I decided to test the battery in question under similar conditions as I did with the “Gold” high capacity batteries. Those were definitely a scam! This time it’s a bit different. First off we are dealing with a known well reputable company like Injured Gadget. Like our discussions in comments etc. shows there are no prejudices and the objective was to run a true test of the batteries. This is done in an honest, ethical and objective way. All batteries have been tested in the same manner with identical equipment. A guide is of course forthcoming but it’ll have to wait a few days.
For this test I soldered a 7P battery connector to a spare prototype board and connected some wires to the positive and negative terminal. The batteries were all charged using a “Fast Charging Activation Test Fixture” by Jageud. For the test itself I used an EBD-M03 tester made by ZKETech.
Test parameter for this constant current discharge test was set at 500mA and cutoff voltage was set at 2.9Volts (this value was picked since I found that the voltage should be somewhere between 2.9 and 2.6Volts). Here are the graphic representations of the results
So, what does this all mean? Really, all it shows is that none of the batteries are dud’s. They are all reliable and lasting batteries. As for the rest I let you be the judge of it. Price, service and warranty would be important for me to make a purchasing decision.
So, what does this all mean? Really, all it shows is that none of the batteries are duds. They are all reliable and lasting batteries. As for the rest, I let you be the judge of it. Price, service and warranty would be important to me to make a purchasing decision.
This is not to endorse or condemn any seller. I am currently waiting on different battery analyzers and software to repeat this test and I will continue to keep you informed.
@g_tech not sure if you are even still following this. I originally had the suspicion hat this battery was/is a scam like so many before them. So I decide to test the battery in question under similar conditions as I did with the “Gold” high capacity batteries. Those were definitely a scam. This time it’s a bit different. First off we are dealing with a known well reputable company like Injured Gadget. Like our discussions in comments etc. shows there are no prejudices and the objective was to run a true test of the batteries. This is done in an honest, ethical and objective way. All batteries have been tested in the same manner with identical equipment. A guide is of course forthcoming but it’ll have to wait a few days.
For this test I soldered a 7P battery connector to a spare prototype board and connected some wires to the positive and negative terminal. The batteries were all charged using a “Fast Charging Activation Test Fixture” by Jageud. For the test itself I used an EBD-M03 tester made by ZKETech.
Test parameter for this constant current discharge test was set at 500mA and cutoff voltage was set at 2.9Volts (this value was picked since I found that the voltage should be somewhere between 2.9 and 2.6Volts). Here are the graphic representations of the results
So, what does this all mean? Really, all it shows is that none of the batteries are dud’s. They are all reliable and lasting batteries. As for the rest I let you be the judge of it. Price, service and warranty would be important for me to make a purchasing decision.
This is not to endorse or condemn any seller. I am currently waiting on different battery analyzers and software to repeat this test and I will continue to keep you informed.