Jack Rourke you said "On live network" you lose the sound. Does the same happen if you are streaming or connect a DVD/BR player, game console etc.? If so my first guess would be the audio IC on the main board. Those are not the best quality.
Jack Rourke you said "On live network" you lose the sound. Does the same happen if you are streaming or connect a DVD/BR player, game console etc.? If so my first guess would be the audio IC on the main board. Those are not the best quality. Try a soundbar etc. and let us know if you still have those issues when using it.
Jack Rourke you said "On live network" you lose the sound. Does the same happen if you are streaming or connect a DVD/BR player, game console etc.? If so my first guess would be the audio IC on the main board. Those are not the best quality.