for the body of the camera you can use Edwal film cleaning solution or 91% ru[|Edwal film cleaning solution]or my favorite a 90+percent isopropyl solution (your local pharmacist would be of great help if you can't find it) Take a cloth and dip it in the solution and wring it out so that it is almost dry and wipe the body off. You can also use an old, soft toothbrush or small model brush dipped in the solution. Isopropyl alcohol works great to clean off cameras; any excess moisture that gets in the camera will evaporate quickly, and the alcohol works well to remove grime, grease, oil, etc. Hope this helps, good luck and may your camera soon sparkle again.
for the body of the camera you can use Edwal film cleaning solution or 91% [|Edwal film cleaning solution] or my personal favorite, a 90+percent isopropyl solution (your local pharmacist would be of great help if you can't find it). Take a cloth and dip it in the solution and wring it out so that it is almost dry and wipe the body off. You can also use an old, soft toothbrush or small model brush dipped in the solution. Isopropyl alcohol works great to clean off cameras; any excess moisture that gets in the camera will evaporate quickly, and the alcohol works well to remove grime, grease, oil, etc. Hope this helps, good luck and may your camera soon sparkle again.
for the body of the camera you can use Edwal film cleaning solution or 91% ru[|Edwal film cleaning solution]or my favorite a 90+percent isopropyl solution (your local pharmacist would be of great help if you can't find it) Take a cloth and dip it in the solution and wring it out so that it is almost dry and wipe the body off. You can also use an old, soft toothbrush or small model brush dipped in the solution. Isopropyl alcohol works great to clean off cameras; any excess moisture that gets in the camera will evaporate quickly, and the alcohol works well to remove grime, grease, oil, etc. Hope this helps, good luck and may your camera soon sparkle again.