I’d like to add my experience. I had one that was previously worked on and missing the “black tap.”
I’d like to add my experience. I had one dead MacBook Prothat was previously worked on and missing the “black tape.”
I repaired it, and after it turned on, installed heat sink and sent it away. Came back next day with the CPU arching or shorting on the heat sink.
I removed the heat sink, cleaned, installed kapton tape (good quality, thick tape), renewed the thermal paste, and reinstalled the heat sink. Hasn’t come back since.
I’d like to add my experience. I had one that was previously worked on and missing the “black tap.”
I repaired it, and after it turned on, installed heat sink and sent it away. Came back next day with the CPU arching or shorting on the heat sink.
I removed the heat sink, cleaned, installed kapton tape (good quality, thick tape), renewed the thermal paste, and reinstalled the heat sink. Hasn’t come back since.