I cracked my Apple Watch 2 screen and replaced it with a new on my own. However, after the screen shift, the watch fails pairing to any watch. I have tried it a hundred timed on five different iPhones but it always fails. What might have gone wrong? The display shift was easy and was done without apparent problems. Thankful for input!
I cracked my Apple Watch 2 screen and replaced it with a new on my own. However, after the screen shift, the watch fails pairing to any watch. I have tried it a hundred timed on five different iPhones but it always fails. What might have gone wrong? The display shift was easy and was done without apparent problems. Thankful for input!
=== Update (06/01/2018) ===
I read here that the only way to get the watch to work again is to ‘reflash new firmware by ibus 2...’:
I cracked my Apple Watch 2 screen and replaced it with a new on my own. However, after the screen shift, the watch fails pairing to any watch. I have tried it a hundred timed on five different iPhones but it always fails. What might have gone wrong? The display shift was easy and was done without apparent problems. Thankful for input!
I cracked my Apple Watch 2 screen and replaced it with a new on my own. However, after the screen shift, the watch fails pairing to any watch. I have tried it a hundred timed on five different iPhones but it always fails. What might have gone wrong? The display shift was easy and was done without apparent problems. Thankful for input!
=== Update (06/01/2018) ===
I read here that the only way to get the watch to work again is to ‘reflash new firmware by ibus 2...’:
I cracked my Apple Watch 2 screen and replaced it with a new on my own. However, after the screen shift, the watch fails pairing to any watch. I have tried it a hundred timed on five different iPhones but it always fails. What might have gone wrong? The display shift was easy and was done without apparent problems. Thankful for input!