I tried to use my 3ds but apperantly that has an issue with old games that uses infrared.
I tried this on a dsi and my original ds but the ds' L button doesn't work, but it still says the same thing on the screen it says "This pokewalker has already been registered" and the pokewalker says "cannot complete this connection" meaning its registered to the game that came with the PW originally, again i bought the PW from the second hand store without the game and it has data on it from a different game. my friend had lost his PW so obviously i didnt get his PW when i got the game from him. He completely wiped out the data on the game for me, so when i say "save, and go for a stroll" it asks where i want to go, i chose the place, and then it takes me to the pc box and i chose my pokemon, and it tells me what to do to connect to the PW. i attempt to and i can't connect to the PW that already has data from a different game on it. and yes i did do the L+down+X thing ,im not exaggerating, 12 times!